Who: Everyone!
When: Day 1, as you wake up.
Where: starting at 2-B Cryo-chambers to different sections of the ship.
What: Welcome to the Pradeda
Rating: PG to PG-13, presumably.
Warnings: To be added as things go along.
You wake up somewhere unfamiliar
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Giant puddle of ectobiological goo? Check, please.
Rose kicked open the door of her chamber. Or tried; her foot twitched sluggishly, making a squelching noise, but didn't move more than an inch. The door popped open on its own, with a rubbery raspberry noise that stripped the last ounce of dignity she might have tried to conserve.
With that gone, there was nothing preventing her from stumbling out onto her hands and knees on the floor. She climbed into a sitting position, scraping goo off her face with her hands. She'd try standing up again when being somewhere warm outstripped being somewhere in what might be described as a troll version of a wet t-shirt contest. And when she was reasonably assured of standing up successfully.
She felt her heart start to pound in her chest and was trying to calm herself down and assess the situation, but in that moment the liquid started to drain out. It seemed that she was being released from whatever pod she was being kept in.
Once the fluid was gone, the pod opened and Martha tumbled out, hitting the floor with a yelp. Her first thought was that it was cold as hell; her second was that she was barely clothed and she was reminded of that time when she was cloned and outfitted in something like this. It was a bit sad, how she could relate her current situation to past ones.
That did mean that she knew what to do, though. If only should could move -- her limbs weren't cooperating, likely because she'd been sedated while stuck in that pod. ( ... )
How did you get here? wasn't a useful question. The woman had just emerged from a similar chamber, which meant she was just as unininformed as Rose herself.
"This isn't exactly where I expected to be." She looked around, but the contents of the room hadn't changed. Computer readouts, tubing, a distinct absence of ticking clocks, countdowns, or Skaian iconography.
"In fact, I'm not sure I remember falling asleep in the first place. Do you?"
"Rose Lalonde. I hope you don't mind that I" -- won't offer to shake your hand, circumstances being what they are, she began to say.
Then a purple unicorn, also covered in green goop, ran in and toppled over in the middle of their conversation. Was it talking? It didn't look like a kernelsprite. She'd have added that high-tech labs and fantasy talking horses didn't really go together, but the makers of the game of the year hadn't agreed. Granted, it had earned that title more by virtue of obliterating any competition and having spawned the universe that created it in the first place, so it wasn't really a fair fight.
"Did you say something?"
"I hope this doesn't sound rude of me but... what are you two? And have you ever seen a place like this before?" she asked, tilting her head at the girls (at least, she assumed they were girls by those voices).
You know. Those people that ride on your back and make nuisances of themselves.. That sounded a lot kinkier that it should be. Maybe she'd just keep that thought to herself ( ... )
Note to self: research more into outside lands at some point."Well I'm a unicorn pony, from Equestria," she answered the both of them as frankly as she could, wondering if either would recognize the place name. "And my name is Twilight Sparkle ( ... )
It wasn't long before she was getting stared at, though, and she honestly didn't take much offense. Martha couldn't count the number of times that she'd gaped at aliens. She was used to it now, maybe, but she hadn't always been. She quietly shook her head to let Twilight know that it was fine.
What was the most surprising about this was not where she was or that she'd been brought here, but that the people she was with were willing to talk about magic so freely. First of all, it likely wasn't magic; there was always a scientific explanation for these things. Even paradoxes had a science to them. She could understand ( ... )
Twilight was levitating slime off. Rose wasn't sure she wanted to try, that, especially since she didn't have the luxury of a built-in fur coat.
"No one can. We're all dead, and this is merely the antechamber to a land where unwashed souls scream eternally." She smirked. "It's just space. There isn't any air out there, so don't open doors without seeing what is on the other side." She rattled off both sarcasm and caution automatically, her attention riveted by the monitors.
Rose started poking the controls, leaving green fingerprints. She wasn't the first one to do so; nor, by the looks of the cryo-chamber, the last. A few presses got both directions to proceed to medical bay for post-revival check-up, and a large blinking note that the medical bay was under lockdown.
A few more pokes, and she was looking at a map of the ship. The crystal ball had showed the exterior reality; the map showed what had once been, if not a grand ship, a functioning one.
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