Title: of those of us, unknowing
Author: L. Harper (
Word Count: 14,899
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and storylines are the property of their writers and producers. No money is being made from this work of amateur fiction and no copyright infringement is intended.
Author’s Note: While I definitely did my best to tie in this story to the
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Comments 14
But anyway, thank you so much for reading and commenting. :)
and i know you called this a case fic, but i think it's also a very introspective story about Reid pre-series and his general state of mind in those early days - i think you handled everything very nicely with exactly the right amount of description and words :)
And it was an all-boys team in canon. That was the one piece of canon information that I stomped all over and threw out the window - the rest, I did my absolute best to honor in every way.
And jeez, you really know how to make a girl blush. What a nice comment. *grins*
I sort of judge a fic by whether I can see it in my head as an episode and I didn't have any trouble with this one. Aside from a tiny quibble or two - you seem to like the phrase "at the end of the day"; I thought you might tie it into the end of the fic - a good read and a very nice effort.
I'll take another look-see and try to tone that down. I do believe that I posted this thing a bit earlier than was wise, but I was also afraid that if it didn't get posted now, it wasn't going to get posted at all.
But anyway, thanks for reading it, and huge thank you's for the comment. :)
I have a background as a Rescue Paramedic, so I'm available for realism-checks on that front, too - I do that for a couple fanfic-ers already. Just drop me a PM if I can be of service.
ETA: You say the canon is that BAU was all-male before Elle. Are you getting that from the "boy's club" line in "Broken Mirror"? Because that could have just been the nutso unsub's taunt, not actual truth. Or is it stated somewhere else?
BTW, on the canon issue - I guess it's kind of a quibble, but the BAU may well have been all-male just before the opening that Elle took. Or it may not. There were six agents killed that day and "Gideon's friend" may or may not have been a BAU member. So I think you're on firm ground either way.
Yeah, I think there's enough leeway in canon that it could very well have been a female - regardless, nobody has so far seemed to mind either way, which - I'll be honest - is a bit of a relief.
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