Title: Friends
Pairing: Friends!Akame, implied Jin/Meisa (JinSa? LOL)
Genre: General, crack-ish, platonic-love-friendship
Rating: PG
Summary: Overprotective Kazuya pays a visit to idiot Jin.
Disclaimer: Jin obviously isn't mine anymore XD.
Ding dong.
Without looking up from his book, Jin stands up to open the door to his apartment...
… only to be welcomed with a punch to his face (that also knocks the book out of his hand). Well, now, he is paying attention, alright.
"Oww, Kazu-chan!" he cannot help but whine ("Very mature," he hears the younger one whisper), "I thought you had stopped boxing."
But Kazuya wants to hear none of it. He mumbles something about being glad that he took boxing classes if they serve as punishment for terrible idiots like Akanishi Jin as he grabs the collar of his red plaid shirt. "You're a bastard, you know that?" he says in a low threatening voice.
Jin grins cheekily and jokes, "Mom would be sad to hear you say that," before his expression turns into a serious one and he stares at Kazuya straight in the eyes.
"Do you know how old she is?!" Kazuya exclaims, releasing the collar.
Jin stumbles back but manages to regain his balance before he smoothes his shirt out as he starts, nonchalantly, "Well, I do remember looking at her ID card to make sure I wasn't fucking a min- ow, ow, ow! I'm just joking! Don't start punching!"
"She's younger than me," Kazuya hisses, fist still against Jin's shoulder. "She's younger than me and you knocked her up!"
"This isn't about you!" Jin protests.
"Of course it isn't about me," Kazuya throws his hands up. "It's about a girl I've worked with and care about AND it's about you! It's always about you! And every time, I'm thinking that maybe I could knock some sense into you, but you act so much like an idiot that, before I even try, you go and knock somebody up!"
"I know I'm stupid, okay!" Jin says loudly and Kazuya shuts his mouth. He continues, this time even more seriously, "I know she's young, and I know I'm not the most responsible man on earth - I'm not you! But, I am taking responsibility right now... I promise to take good care of her! You know how I am, right? She's carrying my child! How can I not revere her?"
Kazuya bits his lower lip, but nods.
"And I'd be lying to you if I said this didn't make me happy at all."
Silence. Then, Kazuya's expression softens and a small smile forms on his lips. "Yeah..." he admits, "you've always wanted kids..."
Jin smiles as well.
Right then, he notices that Kazuya's other fist (the one that didn't punch him a dozen of times already) is holding a long paper bag. "What is this," he points out.
"Oh," Kazuya jumps out. "Well," he stammers, "I figured that we could maybe..." he takes the content out of the bag, which reveals a bottle of champagne, "celebrate?"
Jin eyes' lighten up and he almost jumps on Kazuya, but he stops himself because he remembers his manners and you are Japanese, Jin, don't act so brash.
"Now," the younger one warns, "before you jump on me (This brat reads me too well, it's scary, Jin thinks), I must specify that this bottle is actually for Satsuki-san, but, because she obviously can't drink - and you shouldn't either after this just to be sympathetic towards her - I'm willing to share it with you."
"Oh, Kazu-chan! If you're happy for me, just say it!" Jin exclaims, his grin too bright.
Kazuya tries to remain serious, but who can while looking at such an idiotic face? So he laughs and gently punches Jin's shoulder, "Idiot. Of course, I'm happy for you."
And he grins too.
One bottle-opener and a pop later, both of them are clinking their glasses in Jin's modest living room.
"To your happiness! And to the baby!"
"Thanks," Jin's grin is plastered to his face.
They drink in comfortable silence until Kazuya voices a thought out loud,
"It seems like it was not so long ago that we, ourselves, were stupid kids fooling around in Okinawa."
Jin bursts out in laughter, "You're not going to pull the 'we're getting old' speech on me, right?"
Kazuya pouts, "It's true. You're having a kid."
"You're still young though," the older one replies, thoughtful. "But what am I saying? You're so responsible, it'll probably be Johnny-san who'll tell you to go out of line and make a kid already."
Kazuya laughs whole-heartledly, "You're probably right."
He takes a sip before he randomly comments that, "You've broken all the rules."
Jin frowns. He knows this is not only about him suddenly becoming a married man and a father.
"I know," he murmurs. Then, after a few seconds of silence, he adds, "I'm sorry."
Kazuya chuckles, but there is a hint of bitterness in his tone, "Sorry for what?"
"I know you had to pick the pieces after I left. I know I made you work harder than you were already."
"I wasn't the only one who had to work hard. And it was better than seeing your depressed face all the time. Are you happy at least?"
"I am."
"Then I haven't worked for nothing," Kazuya smiles. "What are friends for?"
Jin feels a pang; a mix of guilt and of gratitude. He slowly moves closer to his ex-bandmate so that their shoulders touch. He can feel Kazuya's skinny body, as frail as ever.
"And," the younger adds, "we should have drinks more often. Together. We're still friends after all..."
"Thank you," Jin interrupts and Kazuya smiles the smile that Jin has known for almost half his life. That boyish innocent smile that reminds him that Kazuya is so young and that he should be taking care of him, not the other way around.
Kazuya takes another sip and sighs, "You're gonna be a father, Jin. Are you sure the kid won't regret you?"
"You can be the godmother if you're so worried," comes Jin's cheeky reply and it is rewarded by a light punch and a childlike laugh.
"No, seriously. Are you even aware that you're going to have the most beautiful baby in the world?"
Jin thinks about it and smiles tenderly.
... That is... until Princess Sodary makes her own baby! You're on Jin, my baby will be the most beautiful! XD
This all still feels surreal for me because COME ON JIN, STOP GIVING US HEART ATTACKS! One week, they're rumoured to be dating; the next, they're married and expecting! WTF?! I'm almost expecting them to come out and yell TROLL tomorrow.
Now, I don't know why some people think so negatively of this. Everyone who knows Jin a bit knows he wants kids so badly! Anyway, I am happy. Yep! I am ^^
And hey~ I'm back, it seems... fufufufufu...
Comments are LOVED!