(no subject)

Mar 21, 2005 11:20

Wow, what a weekend.  Friday night my husband comes home with a broken hand from work.  He was trying to close the trailer door and the door was coming down too fast and he tried to move his hand but it was too late.  His wedding ring saved his hand.  The ring is bent, it's replaceable, a hand is not.  With his hand being broken and swollen makes him extrememly tired.  It was really hard to keep him awake the whole weekend.  Espeically with everything that was going on. 
Fayth got a lot of things from her birthday party on Saturday.  She was so adorable when she was opening all the presents.  She gasped at every present "OHHH!!! I got a Dora!!", "OHH!! Look mommy!!  I got a care bear!", or  "Oh my God!  I got (whatever she got)".  My mom gave her some really cute princess necklace, earrings and a tiara.  She had all kinds of expressions going on while she was opening presents.  At one point Dominic was trying to open his sister's presents (he probably felt left out even though we got him a few things (it's tradition in our family that we get the non birthday child a few presents so they wouldn't feel left out, jealousy etc)) Fayth looked at Dominic in the eye and said "No Dominic!  It's my birthday!!".  I tried to distract him by waving his toys around so he would be interested in his toys instead of Fayth's.  It worked for about 5 minutes then he went back to harrassing his sister's presents.  My mom tried her thing to distract Dom but nothing seemed to work so we just let him be since Fayth was almost finished opening presents by that point.  I was really disappointed none of the kids that we invited to the party showed up.  I felt like the worst mother in the world.  Fayth made me feel better when she came up to me and gave me a hug and said "Mommy!  I had the best birthday party!". 
Sunday rolled around.  Brandon felt like shit.  His hand was so swollen that we had to put some ice on it.  I tried to convience him to go see a doctor.  He, being the stubborn mule he is, refused.  I begged and begged him.  He's afraid that the doctor will tell him that he cannot work because of his hand. 
We went to Brandon's nephew's birthday party.  The kids sprayed confettei (I'm not excatly sure what's it's called) at each other.  They all were covered in those spray things.  They were running around and screaming trying to avoid being sprayed at by another kid.  The entire time I felt really out of place because I felt like I was being watched at all times.  Brandon's ex (yeah she was there, she's best friends with his brother, long story) was watching me all night.  It was creeping me out.  This girl who cuts our hair, her boyfriend was watching me all night.  I later found out that the guy knew sign language.  Don't you hate that?  You wonder why the person is watching you all night and then to find out later that they know sign language.  They knew what you were saying the whole night and you have to replay in ur mind if you said anything about that person.  GRR.  Good thing I didn't say much in sign language because Brandon and I were off doing our own thing.  He was mingling with his family members while I was tending to the kids.  Whew.   
I need another haircut.  My hair is getting too long.  I want to go shorter.  My hubby is freaking out about this.  Lol. 
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