{x} Fallen for your best friend? yup
{x} been rejected? no
{x} been in love? i dunno
{x} been in lust? yes
{x} Cheated on someone? kinda
{x} been cheated on? no
{x} done something you regret? yes
Who was the last person...
{x} You touched? ryan
{x} You talked to? mom
{x} you hugged? khoi
{x} you instant messaged? sean
{x} you yelled at? mom
{x} You laughed with: ryan, sarah, eric, gena
Have you/are you/do you...
{x} Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them?umm?
{x} Understanding: sometimes
{x} Open-minded: very
{x} Arrogant: can be
{x} Insecure: at times.
{x} Interesting: i dont think
{x} Hungry: always
{x} Friendly: yes
{x} Smart: can be
{x} Moody: at times
{x} Childish: can be
{x} Independent: yes
{x} Hard working: errr.
{x} Organized: i guess
{x} Healthy: not really
{x} Emotionally Stable: sometimes
{x} Shy: kinda
{x} Difficult: at times.
{x} Attractive: not really.
{x} Bored Easily: nope. i always find something to amuse me.
{x} Thirsty: nope
{x} Responsible: haha
{x} Sad: i dunno
{x} Happy: yeah
{x} Trusting: yup
{x} Talkative: yes
{x} Original: uh huh
{x} Lonely: at times.
{x} Color your hair? only in summer :(
{x} Have tattoos? No
{x} Piercings? ears
{x} Floss daily? no
{x} Own a webcam? yea
{x} Ever get off the damn computer? yes i do thank you very much!
{x} Sprechen sie deutsche? no
{x} Habla espanol? si
{x} Current Clothes: darth mall T-shirt
{x} Current Mood: tired
{x} Current Hair: down and ragged
{x} Current Annoyance: i hate my family
{x} Current thing you ought to be doing: sleeping
{x} Current Desktop Picture: really pretty sunset orangy
{x} Current Favorite Group: err for now.. the used?
{x} Current Book: nada
{x} Current movie In VCR: nopething
{x} Current Refreshment: saliva
{x} Current Worry: everything
{x} Current Crush: im not telling.. if you really know me you already know i guess.
{x} Food: pizza
{x} Drink: dr. pepepr
{x} Color: orange
{x} Shoes: my adidas
{x} Candy: cheeetos
{x} TV Show: i dont watch TV
{x} Movies: 40 days and 40 nights
{x} Dance: i dont dance
{x} Vegetables: green peppers
{x} Fruits: oranges
On Dating...
{x} Long or short hair? either or.. it has to fit the person
{x} Dark or blond hair? not blond
{x} Tall or short? it dont matta
{x} Sensitive or Funny? funny
{x} Good or bad? err both?
{x} Dark or light eyes? light
{x} Hat or no hat? whatever
{x} Pierced or no? pierced
{x} Freckles or none? it doesnt matter.
On preferences...
{x} Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? hot choclate
{x} McDonalds or Burger King? Micky D's
{x} Marry the perfect lover or the perfect friend? The perfect friend.
{x} Sweet or sour? Sweet
{x} Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? DR. P E PP E R!
{x} Sappy/action/comedy/horror? comedy/action/horror
{x} Cats or dogs? both
{x} Ocean or Pool? ocean
{x} Vanilla or Chocolate? vanilla
{x} Eyes open or closed? open
{x} Fly or breathe under water? brethe under water
{x} Bunk-bed or waterbed? water beds are awesome