[Chalked on the Wall of Rudy Miller's Bedroom | Off-Network]
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As of today, I have been imprisoned here for ninety-two days. Accounting for the thirty-one days in the months of May and July, that means today is the three-month anniversary of my arrival. Three months is six times as long as my internment at Camp Algonkian Island would have lasted, assuming my intended attempt at prevailing upon my parents to take me home on Visiting Day proved to be successful, and three times as long as it would have lasted if that attempt proved to be a failure.
Fortunately, Mike is here now.
In other news, the invasion of invertebrate space aliens appears to have come to an end. Reliable sources indicate that they were here attempting a hostile takeover of the populace, which appeared to be reasonably successful until the deities retaliated with obnoxious kazoo music and a rain of cupcakes. Naturally, this raises a few significant questions that are as yet unanswered:
--Where, precisely, did the invertebrate space aliens come from? If they are, in fact, space aliens, then their presence implies the equal presence of an outer space beyond the existing barrier surrounding the city. It also implies that they had the capability of bypassing that barrier, which in turn means the barrier is not infallible and can, in fact, be breached.
--How did they get here? The fact that they were attempting an invasion implies that they originated in one place and were recently attempting to infiltrate and overtake this one. Ergo, they must have had some means of travel to get from there to here.
--Why bother to invade here? Motive, as always, is key. What benefit can possibly be gained from invading a prison? Particularly when the jailers overseeing the prison far outclass you in terms of power.
The fact that the aliens targeted children in their attempts at infiltrating the populace suggests that their primary motive was not body-snatching. Had it been, their attempts would have focused on inmates with particular physical or supernatural skill, since these would naturally be the most desirable bodies to possess and retain. Then, having acquired the bodies best suited to forming an army, they would have methodically begun rounding up and infesting the weaker members of the population, who would be less equipped to fight back against their stronger conquerors. This lack suggests that the infiltration was a means to an end, not the end itself.
The fact that they were congregating at the mountain is also worthy of note, particularly in light of the fact that some formerly possessed individuals recall being made to dig there. Again, the lack of more skillful acquisition of the bodies best suited to digging suggests either a complete disregard for strategy or the fact that ensuring secrecy of their endeavours was prioritized over efficiency of completing them. And while it is entirely possible that our would-be conquerors were merely tactical idiots, the latter explanation seems considerably more likely.
With these considerations in mind, it appears further investigation is in order.
In the event that I should desire to attempt recruiting other detectives to the cause, I will merely broadcast over the Network a sign reading "Do Not Volunteer For Investigative Detail". It appears that humbly requesting that people not do something is an infallible way of getting them to do it around here.