I'm in my first trimester of my second pregnancy and I have to say it: I hate pregnancy. I'm uncomfortable, I'm miserable, and in just a couple of months complete strangers will be appearing out of the woodwork to tell me what I can and can't do with my own body ("You're having juice?! *gasp!* You'll give the baby diabetes!"*) To make it worse, I
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3rd trimester my hips and pelvis are on fire, and last time I didn't worry about it too much since I had nowhere to be, but this time I've got a lot to do, kind of like the first pregnancy, and I just don't have time to be in pain all the time.
This time around I keep waking up at all hours of the night. Ugh insomnia.
I just think some people minimize how uncomfortable you can be when pregnant either because they've never been pregnant or they had easy pregnancies.
I thankfully haven't been as sick with this one (being my 3rd viable pregnancy out of 6) but I also haven't been able to eat as well and haven't gained weight much. My midwife is lecturing me a lot about eating better, but I just can't force it in sometimes :(
I didn't have a high-risk pregnancy by any means but it still really sucked and between that and nursing for 14 months, I was glad to finally get my body back after 2 years.
I did not find it particularly magical or overly horrible. It was an inconvenience that was worth going through for the end product.
I had HG and couldn't even keep water down that day. I had been to the local immediate care center and they said to basically try anything and if I still wasn't keeping fluids down by the end of the daygo to the ER.
I returned to work (couldn't really afford not to at the time) and eventually found I could keep cranberry juice down. So I was sipping juice while manning the reference desk when an adjunct I barely knew literally screamed at me from across the library that I had to put the juice down because I was giving my baby diabetes.
Being at work and, as a librarian, having to cultivate a positive relationship with the faculty, I could tell her where to shove her advice.
Fun times.
I really don't get why people think they must act like advocates for random (and often enough false!) things towards pregnant women. I didn't personally encounter it, but many people mention it.
Two consolations:
The second one seems to go sooo much quicker
Second labours are not like firsts. With my first I laboured for almost 24h's. Second one popped out within 3.
That being said, I probably do run the risk of not taking labor seriously until it is too late. With Finn, early labor was actually more painful then active labor, strangely enough.
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