i personally would never risk it, but i know people who have and they have had healthy pregnancies... but so do some heroin addicts. i would never risk it.. getting high isnt exactly worth risking my babieshealth.
my mother smoked...dude_its_joNovember 16 2009, 01:41:27 UTC
with all 7 of her pregnancies. It cured her morning sickness if she smoked a joint before she got out of bed in the morning. I'm number 6, and just graduated high school. The other five before me all went to major universities, 4 of them have PhD's, and they all make $150,000+ a year. I graduated top 2%, and I was in NHS. I don't see why smoking marijuana would be bad for you or your baby. None of us have health problems either. Actually, we NEVER catch the flu and we get sick rarely.
I smoked w/ my two. && my oldest is smarter than most kids her age. but that's b/c I work w/ her an things of the nature. They can't take away your child ovr marijuana use in florida. but they do test the fetuses & if its positive on thc then your required a small drug class. So I quit b4 7 months with my pregancies 2 keep it out of my & bbys system. Marijuana has NEVER been proven to harm anyone. actually has been proven to slow the processes of some cancers. && it totally killed my morning sickness & allowed me to feel hungry & gain the weight I needed. But its too petty to cause me drug classes. But any1 I've evr known to smoke, there kids were fine..I personally believe its better than ciggs. Those have been proven to harm babies. lol I think we all kno that. But it'd be better to quit, just incase for legal reasons. Plus the extra money is good t
I smoked w/ my two. && my oldest is smarter than most kids her age. but that's b/c I work w/ her an things of the nature. My second isn't born yet, but she is doin perfect from what my doc can tell on the outside world. They can't take away your child ovr marijuana use in florida. but they do test the placentas after birth & if its positive on thc then your required a small drug class. So I quit b4 7 months with my pregancies 2 clear it out of mine & my bbys system. Marijuana has NEVER been proven to harm anyone. actually has been proven to slow the processes of some cancers. && it totally killed my morning sickness & allowed me to feel hungry & gain the weight I needed. Plus helped me sleep A LOT Better @ nite. But its too petty to cause me drug classes. But any1 I've evr known to smoke, their kids are fine..its better than ciggs. Those have been proven to harm babies. lol I think we all kno that. But it'd be better to quit, just incase for legal reasons. Plus the extra money is good to have.
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