
Apr 18, 2012 20:53

socks; taekey; pg-13

“Really, Taem?” Key grumbles against his neck.

Taemin chuckles and continues rubbing his socked foot up and down Key’s thighs. It’s not the first time, and he’s not sure why he does it. Maybe to piss Key off, because socks are on the top of Key’s not kinky so don’t even try it with me list. But Key always lets him get away with it, and this time he doesn’t even mumble “If it were anyone else I’d have kicked them out by now.”

So Taemin just licks down his chest and kicks the socks off because it wasn’t ever going to be anyone else.


chances; ontae; g

Minho never stood a chance, Taemin realizes now. The realization comes too late to salvage what’s left of their relationship, too late to pretend at any sense of normalcy. Too late now to refuse him a chance at Taemin’s heart, too late to realize it had belonged to Jinki all along.

Too late to understand now that Lee Taemin never had a choice. The moment his eyes had met Jinki’s across that rooftop the reality of a choice had crumbled away and only the illusion had remained.

Now seven years after he’d lost his choice, he realizes it’s not too late to give them a chance.


spots; ontae; g

There’s always been a spot of darkness in Taemin’s heart, a spot that he’d long ago accepted as a creation of society. A spot that sprung not from society’s hatred for his frail and sickly body, but from Jinki’s relationship with him. It’s a spot shrinks with every touch of Jinki’s hand to his skin, every stolen kiss, every hidden moment. It’s a spot that grows when Jinki leaves his arms to go visit that woman, forever nameless because he does not want to feel anything for her, neither hatred nor pity. He will never resent that woman, nor will he ever count himself luckier than her because they were both caught up in the twisted web Jinki’s father had cast around them. Nor will he ever resent Jinki’s father, though he understand why Jinki does.

In his own heart he knows they can run away and never have to look back. They could run from the hold Jinki’s father has over them. The medical aid Taemin needs can be found elsewhere. But in that dark spot he also knows that if they start running they will always be running. If they spent their whole lives running, what would be left to them but shattered dreams and memories and broken hearts?

So he’d give Jinki up for a few nights every week. He’d legally give up Jinki’s hand in marriage. He’d give up the prospect of a future child for them to share. He’d give up everything for their love, for their little squabbles over burnt coffee and Taemin’s frozen little feet because he’d hid his socks again. They’d always live under Jinki’s father’s pinky; they’d always have to live on a balanced seesaw of power. But the kiss Jinki greets him with at the door to their house, the whisper of “I love you” and the smell on his skin that was all Jinki and Taemin after he came home from the visit with the woman was worth the spot on his heart.


pairing: ontae, fanfic, pairing: taekey

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