Rallentando: Glossary of Terms and References

Mar 04, 2010 21:23

sognando: dreamily
caesura: break, stop; i.e., a complete break in sound
prima volta: the first time
ritornello: a recurring passage for orchestra in the first or final movement of a solo concerto or aria
Da Capo: from the beginning
Rhapsody in Blue: a musical composition by George Gershwin
allegretto: rather fast
adagio: slow
con affeto: with affection
mezzo-piano: moderately soft
chromatic scale: A musical scale with twelve pitches comprised entirely of half-step intervals
intimo: intimately
fantasia: a musical composition rooted in improvisation
pianissimo: very soft
natural: restores a note to its original position, cancelling all accidentals previously used
fortepiano: loud, then immediately soft
presto: very quickly
semplice: simply
larghetto: somewhat slowly
lontano: from a distance
cantabile: in a singing style
Danse Macabre (Dance of Death): an art song by Camille Saint-Saëns; ‘forty’ refers to the song being in Op. 40
cambiare: to change
passionato: passionately
a due: for two voices or instruments
gustoso: with happy emphasis and forcefulness
calando: getting slower and quieter
poco a poco: little by little
lusingando: coaxingly
gemendo: groaningly
soave: smoothly, gently
espressivo: expressively
leggiero: lightly, delicately
mia stella: my star
con amor: with tenderness
teneramente: tenderly
Cara mia, ti voglio bene: My darling, I love you
nocturne: a piece written for the night
rallentando: gradually slower
prestissimo: extremely quickly, as fast as possible


writing, comm: plagiarismhaven, poetry

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