Title: Lies, Sex and Genes Part 12 Characters: Aki, Fei, Asami, Yan, Liu Sr. Disclaimer: The actual characters belong to yamane-sensei. Author's Note: Sorry for not updating yesterday, I was busy. Here's your Asami X Fei
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Well, I'm not usually a fan of AsamixFei but I have to admit that it's not so bad (and since it's in the past too)...XD At least we see a "happy" moment of Fire, the poor thing has suffered so much!
Thanks for the great update!! ^^ Can't wait for more
Comment from your No. 1 Stalker!!!paranoia_womanAugust 16 2007, 03:11:44 UTC
I'm Baaaack! So that's how Aki's power works. It's like he's a soul masseuse. Oh gosh, Blondie has wings. Sweet. Very nice the way you had Fei on the precipice prepared to die, then his rescue, and seduction by Asami. I loved it. At the end of this chapter it sounds like Aki is admitting to some lusting of his own. I need to make you some cookies. You keep me so entertained.
Comments 9
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At least we see a "happy" moment of Fire, the poor thing has suffered so much!
Thanks for the great update!! ^^
Can't wait for more
So that's how Aki's power works. It's like he's a soul masseuse.
Oh gosh, Blondie has wings. Sweet.
Very nice the way you had Fei on the precipice prepared to die, then his rescue, and seduction by Asami. I loved it.
At the end of this chapter it sounds like Aki is admitting to some lusting of his own.
I need to make you some cookies. You keep me so entertained.
THANX for the update ^__^
now more
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