Title: Misunderstanding
Characters: Fei X Mik, Aki X Asami
Disclaimer: Not my characters.
A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in so long. There has been a lot of things happening with my family and friends combined with school work and Jewish Student Union work. I hope to return during the summer and inish my stories!
MISUNDERSTANDING: A Little Merman sidestory
"Aki, you are looking a little swollen," Feilong commented as he gazed at the small bump of his half-brother’s stomach. They were currently seated on a large couch in the living room of Akihito and Asami, his human mate who was currently discussing dealings with Feilong’s human mate Mikhail in another room. Despite the two mermen having integrated into their mates’ “business” sometimes the two humans would still leave their ‘delicate’ mates out.
“I feel swollen,” Akihito groaned as he pulled his large green cotton shirt up to show his brother it was even more swollen than one would think. “It just seems to get bigger day by day and to make matters worse Asami has been giving me these strange looks. During mating, he suddenly has become very gentle and refuses to play any bondage games.” Akihito gave off a small, bitter laugh. “I never thought I would be the kinky one in the relationship.”
Feilong slid closer to his brother and carefully prodded the swelling. It gave way with a swishing noise and a small thump against his hand. “I think you have an even worse case of what I’ve been experiencing.” He lifted up his own red silk shirt to show a barely noticeable bulge on his lower abdomen. “I went to see the healer before we came to visit and he said it was nothing to worry about and the solution is very simple…”
Feilong’s conversation was cut short when Mikhail burst into the apartment without knocking, his blue eyes sparkling and his blonde curls bouncing much more like a youngling rather than a mafia boss. “Fei, are you hungry…” He stopped short when he saw them, a strange gleam in his eyes.
Aki pulled his shirt down with a flush while Feilong was unfazed. He was quite used to after nearly a year living with his mate of Mikhail seeing his body in various stages of undress.
“Yes Mik?” Fei asked, snapping his lover out of the stupor he somehow went into.
“I was wondering if you were hungry for anything. I remembered you didn’t eat much this morning…” Mikhail looked like he wanted to say more but he was restraining himself.
“I don’t feel hungry right now, thank you. How about you Aki?”
“I’m set,” Akihito said holding up a bag of chips and a box of pocky he had out on the table.
“Alright, tell one of my men outside if you change your mind,” Mikhail said before leaving the room.
“Now your mate is acting strange as well,” Akihito said in exasperation. “You were saying?”
“Oh… yes, the healer said that I was retaining water because my body has been in a freshwater environment for a year and has adapted to function without salt. However, the salt content in the waters of Hong Kong have risen and thus when I eat my morning fish I introduce a great amount of salt to my body. I simply need to switch back to freshwater fish for awhile.” Feilong gave a pointed look at his brother’s snacks. “He also warned against eating human food because it can make the problem worse.”
Akihito groaned. “But it tastes so good…” he whined.
Three days later…
In the Arbatov Mansion in Hong Kong, there was a loud thud and thump as though something heavy had been dropped on the hardwood floor coming from the Master bedroom. Right after, the sound was followed by a sting of rapid Russian curse words. Fei shook his head from his position on at the end of the hallway, thinking Mikhail had knocked something on his toes again. But the sound repeated and the curse words shifted to Russian, English, Italian, and Cantonese Chinese, prompting investigation.
“Mikhail?” Fei questioned as he found his mate attempting to construct… something.
Mikhail turned around with a disappointed look on his face, holding what looked like instructions. “Sorry, I wanted it to be a surprise.”
“You wanted what to be a surprise?” Fei pressed, not seeing the parts on the floor resembling anything he had seen before.
“I was making… a crib.”
“Crib?” Fei repeated surprised. Was his mate thinking of looking into adoption for them?
“Well… I know you wanted to keep it a secret but I couldn’t resist.”
“Keep what a secret?”
Mikhail laughed. Only his Fei would try to fool him with what appeared to be a confused look despite knowing Mikhail had seen the evidence for himself. “I know you are pregnant Fei. You can stop…”
“What?” Fei swore sometimes he would never understand how his mate’s mind worked. After explaining that he in fact was NOT pregnant and the swelling was water retention, Fei left his highly embarrassed mate to disassemble what he had managed to construct. (Though even if Fei was pregnant, he doubted he would ever put his child in there if his mate was hurting himself just building the thing. Honestly, the best crib was a small kelp bed anyway.)
The misunderstanding was never forgotten by Fei and he teased Mikhail mercilessly for it.
In his case, Mikhail wished his mate would let it go but he was happy to find he wasn’t the only one who made a mistake. He was also happy he found out before he bought a baby store’s entire merchandise like Asami.