g e n e r a l
1. Name: Yuval
2. Single or taken: single
3. Sex:
4. Bday: jul29
5. Sign: leo
6. Siblings: 2
7. Hair
Color: brown
8. Eye Color: brown
f a s h i o n | s t u f f
Where is your favorite place to shop: h&o
2. Any tattoos or piercings: 7 tattoos
sp e c i f i c s
1. Do you do drugs?: no
2. What
kind of shampoo do you use?: not enough hair to shampoo
3. What are you most scared
of? not getting where i want to get to in life
4. What are you listening to right now?:
people gossiping
5. Who is the last person that called you?:
Where do you want to get married?: the dr pepper factory
7. How many
buddies are online right now? 7
8. What
would you change about yourself? I'd like being able to focus better
f a v o r i
t e s
1. Color: black red blue
2. Food: everything
3. Boy's names: ibrahim
4. Girl's names: fatima
5. Subjects in school: lit
Animals: dogs
7. Sports: football
h a v e | y o u | e v
e r
1. Given anyone a bath?: yes
2. Smoked?: yes
3. Bungee jumped?:
4. Made yourself throw up?: yes
5. Skinny dipped?: yes
6: Ever been
in love?: yes
7. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: no
8. Pictured your crush naked?: You knwo I dont think so. What's wrong with me...
9. Actually seen your
crush naked? yes
10. Cried when someone died: yes
11. Lied: yes
Fallen for your best friend?: yes
13. Been rejected?: yes
14. Rejected
someone?: yes
15. Used someone?: not on purpose if at all
16. Done
something you regret? sure
17. Gone Skydiving? no
c u r r e n
Clothes: um polo and jeans
Make-up: ?
Smell: tabbaco.
Favorite artist: sinatra
Favorite group : nothing comes to mind
Desktop picture: the background from politics of the streets cause I like it
Book you're reading: "correct management"
a mix I made
Color of toenails: ?
l a s t | p e
r s o n
You touched: shook this guy's hand
Hugged: can't tell..
You IMed: a guy from work. called him to play foosball. he lost.
You yelled at: my boss. Thats easy. I yell at her daily.
You kissed:
a r e | y o u
Understanding: more of accepting
Open-minded: yeah
Interesting: no.
Random: you can say that
i dress smart
Organized: yes. never thought id say that but yes.
Shy: usually no
Difficult: neh
Attractive: Im a god.
Bored easily: no
Responsible: very
Obsessed: very
Angry: lately, yes
Sad: no, just uneased
Hyper: never
Trusting: yes
Talkative: I can talk till your ears bleed
w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
Kill: boss
Slap: boss
Look like: no one in particular
Talk to offline:
snotsexTalk to
online: marques
r a n d o m
In the morning I am: in a hurry
All I need
is: books, time, drinks
Love is: annoying
Dream about: that's a whole post..
w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
Coke or Pepsi: D.Coke, just because you don't have dr pepper in your options
Flowers or Candy: borekas
Tall or Short: short
What do you notice first: face
First person you slow danced
with: don't know
Worst question for them
to ask: dunno
Makes you laugh the most: myself and a mirror
What makes you smile: everything
Who gives you a funny
feeling: strange funny or funny ha ha?.
Who do you have a crush on: nobody">