ugh, there was a big earthquake in my area today, about five hours ago, and there was a smaller tremor just now. i'm not sure if we're expecting any more; the power may get knocked out so if i'm not on for a few days or whatever, that's where i am. xoxo
i have drnak drunk drankened drunkened drinkened (surely not) enough to fell an elepaht sized weasel tonight yet imn still only vaguely tipsy. well maybe a bit more but yeah.
io'm happy right now. i love kana and min-ju. alcoholics unite! i wana go partying with carmel. and asha. :( i love you everyone huzzar huzzar goodnighte.
i don't know why but i have no inclination to make an entry or email anyone or comment, selfish as that is. i am reading though, and i send love to you all.
oh god. revision. revision. revision. hotmail crashing my computer. nothing to eat. can't concentrate. am going to fail IB and spend life alone alone alone. WHY CAN'T I REPLY TO ASHA'S EMAIL?! BECAUSE HOTMAIL SUCKS, thx.