Title: The Writings on The Wall [1/?]
Type: Series
presstoreset Rating: PG-13
Genre: Supernatural, Horror, Friendship
Characters: Super Junior
Summary: Strange things start to happen after a visit to a theatre.
Warning: Vivid descriptions (horror) in the later chapters. Don't say I didn't warn you! I even put it in red.
Disclaimer: Much as I want them to
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Comments 7
i'll be waiting for the first chapter !
sorry;; huge bias
Another mochi Henry bias! Yay! xD
Thank you for showing interest!:D :D
My first hand at trying horror in a fanfic xD
The noisy members snapped their mouths shut and slowly turned to look at their leader who was sitting on the couch, looking murderous.
Teuk you rock. XD The awesome-st leader ever.
First time I'm reading a horror fanfic on SJ, yes I'm afraid of horror but I'm gonna try it. And hopefully I won't be too traumatized. XD
I don't think it'll be that scary though....unless you can imagine it really well. Heh. *gives you a cookie for giving this fic a go^^*
Super adorable, though Hyuk didn't join them. LOL ;D
ohh *spies Sungmin and his pink shirt* gahhh! <3
Yayyy, can't wait for the first chap. I'm getting the goosebumps already. xD
Ah well maybe I should make a sequel after this whole series of I-don't-know-how-many-chapters is done!^^ Then the other members visit the place again~
Wheee! Sungminnie ♥
Heh I think I'm done with the first chapter. Gonna edit during my next study break!
*turns on the humidifier to get rid of those goosebumps though they're not from being cold ^^*
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