Life and things

May 09, 2009 18:57

Just a general update

We went to the pediatrician today. Grant turned 3 on Easter - how I don't know. Where did my baby go? So, we needed to do his 3 year appointment, and I also booked Ada right after. She's starting Kindergarten in August, which again, I can't believe. So, she needed to get caught up on all of her immunizations. Both kids are totally average. lol 50th percentile for height and weight - on both kids. Grant was 37.5 inches tall and 34 pounds. Ada was 41.5 inches tall and 37 pounds. She just needs to add on 3 more pounds to go into a darned booster seat! Poor Ada was NOT happy that she had 3 shots. She is a trooper, but that's still a lot, and I think the MMR hurts the worst. I am glad to have it over with, though, for sure.

Now to start with updates on all 3, beginning with Brenna. Brenna only has 8.5 more days of school. She is doing very well - gets mostly ES (the highest mark - like an "A") grades, and stays very active. She's enjoying both dance classes and being on the school's competition jump rope team. In fact, she qualified for the AAU junior Olympic games in one of the partner events (her best friend is her partner). We can't go for several reasons. I think she's good but not outstanding, the games are in Ohio and run during the first week of school next year, and it would be way too expensive. So, too much money, bad timing, etc. It's neat that she did qualify, though. She loves doing it - I think partly because she gets some recognition at school for it (they perform at assemblies). She's started to get more into gymnastics moves and dance also. The Girl Scout troop recently had a bridging ceremony, where they all moved up to being Girl Scout Juniors. I planned most of the bridging work and ceremony, which was time consuming (OK - exhausting). They are also going away to camp in the mountains this summer, using the money they earned from cookie sales this year. Just this week they also had her tested for the gifted program that the school district offers. I think she missed it by a few points (I know for sure she got a 95 on the verbal portion, and she needs at least a 97 on one section to qualify). The results aren't all in yet, but verbal is usually her strongest area. I am just proud of her, given that in Kindergarten I was all but convinced that she was ADHD. She's come a long way.

Next is Ada. She is really amazing. The girl has a memory like an elephant. Tell her a story and she remembers it, down to minute details. This, of course, makes my job as a parent harder sometimes. She is impossible to fool and never forgets anything. I am so glad I found a Kindergarten that would take her despite her September birthday (Sept. 1 is the cut off date here for public school). The school she'll attend next year will take them for K as long as they're 5 by September 30. Then public school will take her for 1st grade the year after, as long as she has attended a qualified K program (hers is), after a 2 week trial evaluation period. She has already started reading. Brenna had been working with her at night before bed, and now she can read basic learning to read type books. I love her to death, despite the fact that we sometimes butt heads. My parents swear she is the one of all my kids who is the most like I was as a child, which they think is hilarious. Ada is excited to start Kindergarten and really wants to be a Daisy scout, which probably means even more work for me next year. She's also taking a dance class, so this year will be the first that both girls are in a recital together.

On to Grant's update. I can't believe he's 3. We had a small family party on Easter, which was also his birthday. So, the kids had their fill of sugar, between Easter candy and birthday cake. Of course he had a Thomas cake, with Thomas plates and napkins. He got a Thomas backpack, a train conductor hat with his name on it, a Thomas blanket, Thomas Leapster game, a Thomas toy laptop, another set of Thomas sheets, and more Thomas undies. Are you seeing a theme here? He's totally into trains and Thomas. He can be absolutely infuriating in that he has to do certain things himself, despite how long it may take. He's very stubborn and will scream and cry if things don't go the way he wants. He's also very sweet, but of the 3 kids, he has taught me the most patience. Whatever he wants to do, he wants to do it his way, on his time, and everything else be damned. We finished up his ISR refresher lessons in April, and we've already been in our pool. He'll be a little fish this summer. He loves to swim and has gotten really good at it. His float is so good that I tell him I'm not going to serve him refreshments, that he has to swim to me or the step. lol

Things with the rest of us are going well. Brandon and I just celebrated our 12th anniversary last weekend. It's hard to believe we've been married that long. His job is going well - he's still trying to get hired with OIT or Customs and Border Protection in IT. I am still busy doing Girl Scouts, driving kids to 2 different schools, dance classes, etc. It seems I am just barely able to keep up with basic household chores. I'm hoping to be able to get more done next year, when Grant starts preschool and Ada is in Kindergarten.

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