but have you guys seriously searched through
Encyclopedia Dramatica??
Major parody of wikipedia.com that borders disrespectful pretty much ALL the time.. I've just spent hours laughing at all the random pages and right now I'm reading about Evildoer Korea.. yeah.. You be the judge which Korea they're talking about XD best line...
"On July 4, 2006, North Korea launched its taepodong ("kind of penis") missile, which immediately got pwned. The U.S. responded by taking North Korea off its MySpace friends list. Quoting an unnamed top-level official: "Man, not cool. I told him not to fire that 'kind of penis' missile, but he did anyways. Why does he have to be such a drama whore?" In retaliation, the U.S. launched a giant fucking rocket into orbit, just to show who's boss.
On October 8, 2006 (in America time, not theirs), Evildoer Korea reportedly conducted an underground nuclear test. Although the rest of the world had already unfriended Evildoer Korea, China had not-but that changed in an instant. However, the poor saps in the UN fail to realize that Evildoer Korea is a friends only country-meaning that, thanks to China, the world has probably pwned itself"
Encyclopedia Dramatica - Evildoer Korea Okay, seriously.. I'm not trying to offend ANYBODY about this, but it just makes me laugh and then how funny it points out no one can see what is going on now in Evildoer Korea because its friends locked.. Satire at its finest/worst? The best has to be the list of "Cities which are knee-deep in shit".
Again, already mentioned that they seem to push the envelope a little much. I've actually spent a little time of the section on Virginia Tech. I had mixed emotions.. shouldn't poke fun at tragedy, but freedom of speech so enough said. *shrug*
But this part had me giggle..
Japanese is a language learned by losers who claim that they're learning it because they "enjoy Japanese culture" when they're actually enjoying anime. For their years of rigorous training, Japanese language teachers get to instruct unmotivated American teenagers in the basics again and again while one half writes Super Metroid fanfiction in class and the other watches the latest fansubbed ninja fanservice anime on their $2000 laptops. Even though a tiny percentage actually finish the course, they have no real use for it other than fansubbing anime or re-translating a Final Fantasy game, which is a worthwhile use of their time since American translators are close-minded AmeriKKKans who are unable to understand the elevated cultural value of Japanese children's cartoons.
Encyclopedia Dramatica - Japanese hahahahahaha.. >.> I had to stop for a moment because that's me!!.. I liked reading manga and then saw tenimyu and then prince of tennis.. (yes, tenimyu came first because of Shirota and Kazuki).. and then DDBoys and then maybe Japanese Urban Culture and I thought 'hey! I have a few credits to kill next semester.. why don't I try to understand what the hell is going on!' *headdesk*
I hate finding out I'm a lewzer. I love you guys for being my friends.. seriously.
another random note.. I downloaded something off of Clubbox for the first time today!!! XDDD