My application:
Leafe Knights!
What gender would you like to be voted?-both
Strong points-creative
weak points-Don't take advice that friends or people give,very sensitive about what people say and take it serious and sensitive
interests-Graphic design, music, and art
dislikes- I really dislike self-attack,bees,snake,and spices foods,/i>
talents-creative at computer art and writing poems,/i>
hobbies- doing photoshop, listen to music, reading magazines,and writing poems
pet peeves- skip this one(I don't know have a pet)
Favorite color-Red and black
Favorite Pretear character-Shin
Favorite food- fish,pizza, Italian foods, and Chinese foods
Favorite sport-Swimming
Favorite type music- all genres except for rap and country
Optimistic or Pessimistic?- I think both?
Outgoing or Shy?- Shy
jealous or vengeful?- jealous
dominant or submissive? I may guess dominant