For the first time since he’d begun his job Journal Making, Moon had overslept. Cursing under his breath to himself, he dressed as quickly as he could and walked over to the door to slip on his shoes. Right foot in, left foot-
There was something solid and round in his left shoe. With another annoyed barrage of foul language, Moon shook out the object into his palm. It was a small crystal, with a shining ring around it. Despite trying to squash his curiosity, he couldn’t help touching the crystal in the center with one of his fingers.
And then, his vision faded…
…When it came back, Moon could see that he was surrounded by trees and brush, slowly making his way up an incline. He couldn’t hear anything, but he could feel his chest heaving from the exertion and the hard ground under his feet. His clothing was made of a warm, weighty fabric that was comfortable and familiar. He was moving with a purpose, as though he were searching for something.
Finally, he reached the top of the incline and looked around. A few quick glances showed that there was little at the top of this hill (mountain?) except for the entrance to a stone cave. It looked as though the entrance had been blocked off by stone bars, each spaced just far enough apart that one could stick their arm out, but no more.
He approached the cave, and his hand curled around the cool metal of a handgun. Just in case, no doubt. When he reached the entrance to the cave, he could feel his mouth open and his vocal chords vibrating, but no sound reached his ears. Then, from inside the cave, spiky brown hair caught his attention.
There was a small boy, dirty and wearing torn clothing, peeking out at him from behind the bars, with large golden eyes. He said something, and Moon noticed him trembling. The boy had shackles on his arms and legs, and he was curled in on himself.
Moon reached out an arm, and for the first time, he saw that he was wearing a skin-tight black sleeved garment underneath the long, white billowy outfit. His arm slid between the stone bars, and the boy latched on to it with his own tiny hand. As soon as their palms touched, the shackles dissolved into nothing and the bars descended into the ground as if by magic. The boy was free.
That smile could light up a room…
And as though someone had just snapped their fingers in front of his face, Moon returned to reality, one shoe on and one lying on the floor from where he’d dropped it. Shaking his head, he realized he could hear again and thought about what had just transpired. Who was that boy, and how did he free him by just a touch? Was it some sort of magic ability?
“Shit,” he muttered, remembering that he was even later for work.