LOG: Killua & Saeki

Aug 25, 2007 22:24

LOG: Killua and Saeki go to an arcade.

Saeki: *waves an arm at the entrance with big flashing lights* Tokyo's most popular arcade.

Killua: I can tell. There are a lot of people here. *not used to crowds THAT big, as he and Gon are rarely in cities*

Saeki: Come on. *pushes through the flow of people into the arcade*

Killua: *follows after him, looking around and taking it all in* What kind of games do you like?

Saeki: *pauses and thinks* Ones with swords.

Killua: Swords are cool. *grins* I'm better at the games where you get to shoot things, though.

Saeki: *looks around and sees a bunch racing games and then some kids just finish shooting at a big screen with zombies lurching at them*

Kids: *scream as they lose and zombies eat their brains*

Saeki: That one.

Killua: You're not afraid of having your brain eaten, then? *walks towards that game*

Saeki: I've dealt with zombies before. *picks up the blue and pink guns... Hands the pink one over*

Killua: ... I want the blue one. *refuses to touch the pink*

Saeki: They should have green. *doesn't move*

Killua: Why PINK of all colours? *reaches over to take the blue one from him*

Saeki: *speedily puts a coin in the machine and suddenly START flickers across the screen* Quick. *shoves the pink at him*

Killua: FINE. *takes the EVIL PINK gun, though doesn't look happy at ALL* Now I'm going to have to make sure you lose so badly you'll be too embarrassed to come back here again.

Saeki: *laughs and shoots a zombie*

Killua: *gets serious and starts shooting as well, aiming for the zombies Saeki is about to shoot*

Saeki: ...

Saeki: *frowns and concentrates* Not bad.

Killua: You should have let me have the blue gun.

Saeki: *misses 8 in a row because Killua's a git* Well.

Killua: *smug* I hate pink.

Saeki: *watches zombie goo splatter over the screen* You're psychotic.

Killua: I probably couldn't do this in real life. Zombies are just slow.

Saeki: *glances sideways at him, then back at the screen, which bleeps with "NEW HIGH SCORE!"*

Kids: *form a little admiring crowd*

Killua: *punches the air* Yess! I warned you I'm good at this.

Saeki: *machine chimes with next level* I haven't been in the factory stage before.

Zombies: *have bulletproof jackets and machetes*

Killua: You haven't? I think I used to be able to get there. *starts shooting again, aiming for the heads*

Saeki: *remembers he's supposed to be helping and shoots legs off*

Kids: *love the bloodbath!*

Killua: *loves the bloodbath too* ... you said you've dealt with zombies before? *still shooting*

Saeki: Hm. Some girl stalked Akazawa- You might know him? And we were trying to protect him and she wound up... uh... anyway, she turned into a zombie and rose an army against us at a tennis

Killua: That sounds so cool! I've never fought real zombies before.

Saeki: I think they mainly wanted to rape everyone.

Killua: .................................

Killua: Would still have been fun to fight them.

Saeki: *brightens* I punched one for trying to touch Shishido.

Killua: Did that work?

Saeki: The head wasn't very secure on the neck. *shoots crazily as a whole cascade of zombies come from the rafters*

Killua: Oh. Would have been too easy then. *starts shooting like mad as well, focusing on the game because he doesn't want HIS brain eaten*

Kids: *_*

Saeki: *just shooting at ANYTHING now*

Killua: *takes an instinctive step backwards as the zombies get closer, because he's just a LITTLE caught up in the game, and aims for the closest ones*

Machine: *suddenly explodes with victory music and sets off mini fireworks with the scrolling marquee WINNER! WINNER! WINNER!*

Kids: *CHEER!*

Arcade Manager: *bustles over* Okay, okay. Break it up. *turns machine off*

Killua: *blinking at the screen, still holding the gun* But I was having FUN. *sad that the zombies are gone*

Arcade Manager: *points accusingly* A little TOO much fun.

Saeki: Hey! We won.

Arcade Manager: NO ONE WINS.

Killua: We did!

Arcade Manager: *fat and red-faced and sweating* Don't make me kick you out!

Kids: Awww.

Killua: *unimpressed* We didn't cheat, so you can't do that. Not that you'd be able to.

Arcade Manager: Don't question my power. *security men appear around him*

Saeki: ... *grabs Killua's wrist and hauls him away*

Killua: *is dragged away* ... I could take them!

Saeki: Yeah. I think the manager's part of the mafia. *grins and hides behind a white-water simulator raft ride* Good shooting, though... Have you used a gun?

Killua: I have friends in the mafia. *hides as well, because he wants to be able to play a sword fighting game, too* I know how to use most weapons.

Saeki: You're kind of scary for a 13 year old.

Killua: *grins* Don't worry, I won't hurt anyone.

Saeki: ...I wasn't worried! *ducks as security stalk past* I'm 15, almost 16. I'm stronger than you.

Killua: You're not even half as strong as me. *sticks tongue out at the security guard's back, because he's feeling bratty*

Saeki: *wry look* I do kendo and play tennis and volleyball all the time. I have muscle.

Killua: I know. But people in this world are all kinda weak.

Saeki: ...Right. We're finding a sword game.

Killua: I'm not as good at those. *starts looking around for one though*

Saeki: I remember. They have Gladiator-style podiums and you have to hit the other person off their podium first. *goes searching for it and talks over his shoulder* It's not swords, they're padded pugil sticks, but I can knock you off with it easy.

Killua: Oh. That sounds easy.

Saeki: *glares and finds the inflatable stand*


Saeki: *snatches helmet and jams it on his head*

Killua: This is supposed to be an ultimate challenge? *pause* Do I have to wear a helmet?


Killua: ... yes?

Guy in charge: *Slams a helmet on his head and lifts him up onto a podium* There you go little guy. *hands over a pugil*

Saeki: *cracking up*

Killua: *grumbles and takes the pugil, wanting to hit the guy in charge instead*

Saeki: *poses and points pugil at him on his podium* I'm going to kick your ass.

Guy in charge: *snaps a picture* VERY GALLANT.

Killua: You really think you stand a chance? *decides to pretend there is no guy in charge, because it's less annoying that way*

Guy in charge: *stands in Killua's line of view looking as overly-excited as possible*

Killua: ... *looks at Saeki* Will they try to throw us out again if I hit him instead?

Saeki: *eyes flash blue and INTENSE* I see no one but you to destroy. *raises pugil and smacks him around the head*

Killua: Oh. We've started. *tries to hit Saeki in the side*

Saeki: *jerks away and almost over-balances off the podium* ...

Saeki: *stabs at Killua's stomach*

Killua: *uses the pugil to block the attack and immediately goes after Saeki's head*

Saeki: *ducks and sends the podium spinning, but can still make out Killua's head because he has bright hair sticking out of his helmet too* *ATTACKS HALF-BLIND*

Killua: *dodges the attack, grinning now because this is kinda fun, despite the fact that he has to wear a helmet* *attacks too, because Saeki can't win this*


Killua: *acidentally hits the guy in charge as he goes after Saeki*

Guy in charge: *goes down with a manic smile on his face*

Saeki: Heh. *Hits Killua across the back*

Killua: *nearly loses his balance for a second, but spins around and aims for Saeki's legs*

Saeki: *jumps* ...Hey.

Killua: *hits him in the side while he's still in the air*

Saeki: !!!! *falls and grabs Killua's pugil as he goes, yanking him down too*

Killua: *so did not expect that and ends up falling too, landing on top of Saeki*

Saeki: Ow. *hits Killua with pugil for extra measure* I won.

Killua: You fell first! I won! *holds his own pugil threateningly*

Saeki: I wasn't technically ON my podium when you hit me. So it doesn't count.

Killua: ... don't you lose the second you're off the podium? So you lost BEFORE you fell?

Saeki: No, because... We'll never know if I would've landed or not.

Killua: You so lost. *gets to his feet and finally notices the guy on charge on the floor* ... what happened to him?

Saeki: You knocked him out.

Saeki: *sees Manager and security guards bearing down on them again* ... *rips helmet off* Let's go.

Killua: When did I do tha- *decides running might be a better option, so he throws his own helmet to the floor and runs*

Saeki: *runs until out of the arcade and slows to a leisurely, innocent walk*

Killua: *they so didn't do anything wrong anyway* Do you get thrown out of arcades a lot?

Saeki: ...No. I don't attract any form of illegality.

Killua: Oh. So it's just me then. *grins*

Saeki: *glances at him* *kicks a stone* Interested in learning tennis?

Killua: I've played tennis before. Fuji gave me a lesson once.

Saeki: Well, that was an arcade.

Saeki: Enjoy it? *grins and leans against a wall*

Killua: Yeah, it was cool. *grins as well* Though that zombie game was too easy. I know someone who is a LOT better with guns than me.

Saeki: Assassin friends?

Killua: He's a former assassin as well. Not from my fandom though. *shrug* I don't really know many assassins from my world, except my family.

Saeki: There seem to be more assassins around than I realised.

Killua: You're not really supposed to notice assassins though.

Saeki: Are there that many people who need killing?

Killua: Have you never wanted someone dead?

Saeki: *stares at him* No.

Killua: Oh. *slightly surprised* Most people do, and if they have the money, hiring an assassin is an easy way to get it done.

Saeki: That's even worse than wanting someone dead, paying someone else to do the dirty work.

Killua: *scratches the back of his head* Maybe. There are some people you can't deal with yourself, though.

Saeki: I'd try.

Killua: So would I. But rich people are lazy.

Saeki: ... *smiles* My own school was pretty poor but we knew how to have fun.

Killua: Yeah? I've never gone to school, so I don't know what it's like.

Saeki: You've never been to school?!

Killua: No. Of course not.

Saeki: Oh. They don't have them in your world?

Killua: They do, but I've been trained to be an assassin since birth.

Saeki: *stands away from the wall* You didn't get a choice?

Killua: Everyone in my family is an assassin.

Saeki: Hm. *starts walking again* Is there anything you wanted to do other than kill people?

Killua: There never was until I ran off. *never really gets how weird his life seems to other people*

Saeki: You ran off? *stops again*

Killua: A year and a half ago. *confused* Didn't I tell you I stopped being an assassin?

Saeki: You did, but... Where are you living now then?

Killua: Nowhere. Gon and I just travel around.

Saeki: Your best friend?

Killua: Yeah. *smiles* He was my first friend, too.

Saeki: Is he 13 too?

Killua: Yeah, he is.

Saeki: And you just... How do you get by?

Killua: We're Hunters.

Saeki: *faces him properly* What does that mean?

Killua: Uh. People with a Hunter's licence can travel almost anywhere, even if it 's restricted to the public, and we have lots of other priveledges, too. We do whatever we want, basically. Explore new land, find new species, capture criminals. Anything. *has to explain this a lot* So we earn a lot of money.

Saeki: It's a job?

Killua: It's really just a licence. *pulls it out to show him* But when we have this, we can get pretty much any job we want. People know we're among the best.

Saeki: *looks at the licence* That's... wicked.

Saeki: You're like James Bond?

Killua: *grins* James Bond is nothing compared to me.

Saeki: Really? *carries on walking again* Do you get all the Bond Girls?

Killua: *follows him, though he's not sure where they are going* Why would I want girls? *looks slightly disgusted*

Saeki: *looks at him and laughs* 13. Cooties?

Killua: Girls are weak. *pockets his Hunter's licence*

Saeki: You'll make a lot of people angry going around saying that. *looks both ways before crossing the street*

Killua: Probably. *has been punched a few times actually*

Saeki: *reaches the path alongside the local playground* Here you go. A playground.

Killua: *looks around and grins, because he can probably have some fun here* Gon would love this place. *pause* You have a boyfriend, don't you? You don't like girls, either.

Saeki: Oh. You mean you don't like girls like THAT.

Killua: I don't like girls at ALL. But especially not like that.

Saeki: *pushes gate open and gets the best swing straight away* I see.

Killua: *grabs the swing next to his, before some little kid can get it* You're surprised?

Saeki: I guess I shouldn't be. Practically EVERYONE'S gay around Brawl.

Killua: I hadn't really noticed. *stands in to swing, trying to make it go faster* I have a boyfriend, though.

Saeki: You do?!

Killua: ... yes.

Saeki: You're an early bloomer. *swings higher*

Killua: *makes sure to swing higher than Saeki does, because everything is a competition* I think brawl did that to me.

Saeki: Susceptible like that, are you? *is swing-experienced*

Killua: That stupid fish just keeps telling everyone whenever I find someone just slightly attractive. *is inexperienced with swings, but does his best anyway*

Saeki: The trout?

Killua: Yes.

Saeki: It keeps telling everyone what?

Killua: It posts those truths it finds interesting. *looks at him* He's never posted anything about you?

Saeki: I ignore the fish.

Killua: That's... a really good idea.

Saeki: *smiles and swings*

Killua: *suddenly jumps off as the swing reaches the highest point*

Saeki: *slows* Is your boyfriend on Brawl like Shishido?

Killua: *lands on his feet and then turns around* He is. He's the former assassin who uses guns.

Saeki: Oh, wicked! How old is he?

Killua: He's 23.

Saeki: *falls off swing*

Killua: ....

Killua: Are you okay?

Saeki: *sits up with woodchips in his hair* What?!

Killua: ... what?

Saeki: Your boyfriend is twenty-three?!

Killua: Yes. *confused*

Saeki: You're thirteen!

Killua: .... I know that.

Saeki: That's ten years!

Killua: Yes.

Saeki: !!!! *swing swings back and hits him in the back of the head*

Killua: .. *cracks up*

Saeki: *moves away and plops down on a bench, rubbing his head* Okay, okay. So a 33 and 43 year old hooking up, understandable. Even a 23 and 33 year old.

Saeki: But you're at that stage where EVERYTHING changes in those 10 years. It's just... NUTS.

Killua: *laughs a bit awkwardly* He behaves like he's thirteen? *sits down as well*

Saeki: *looks at him* But he's not thirteen.

Killua: I know he's not.

Saeki: *rubs his head awkwardly*

Killua: Everyone seems surprised by it.

Saeki: I wonder why.

Killua: It's not like he's gonna hurt me. *shrug*

Saeki: *horrified* I'd hope NOT.

Killua: *smiles* I know he won't.

Saeki: Are arcades and playgrounds even your thing?

Saeki: *smacks own his forehead* Maybe I should've sent you to a strip club or let Chitose take you to some dealer's place.

Killua: ... what? *looks slightly horrified*

Saeki: ajklgflsdfha

Killua: Why would I want to do THAT.

Saeki: You're sleeping with a 23 year old!

Killua: So? He's... there's nothing wrong with that!

Saeki: Right. You're right. *is supposed to be an open-minded hippie*

Killua: And what we're doing today IS my thing. It's fun. Just so you know.

Saeki: You go to arcades and playgrounds with your.... 23 year old boyfriend?

Killua: His name is Train. And I haven't yet, but he'd enjoy it.

Saeki: ...Does he puff? Choo choo? Is his engine fully stoked?

Saeki: Pbbt.

Killua: ......

Killua: *can't help but laugh*

Saeki: Sorry, one of my teammates.... He rubs off on you. Er, as long as you're happy it's all good. Yay.

Killua: I'll have to ask Train that. Just to see his reaction. *grin* I am, yeah.

Saeki: *leans forward on bench and doesn't look at him* I don't even know why I like you, properly the weapons thing, but I'll risk patronising you. Be careful, you're young.

Killua: Yeah. It's fine. And... I never worry about things like that, I just do whatever I want to at any given time. But. I know he's serious. Actually, my adopted brother is a mindreader.

Saeki: *stands up* You're so weird. *does the monkey-bars*

Killua: *blinks* I am?

Saeki: Yeah.

Killua: *stands up as well* How am I weird?

Saeki: How? *hauls himself up to sit on top of the bars* You're a 13 year old assassin from another world with a 23 year old boyfriend. *looks down at him* Heh.

Killua: *grins* I guess you have a point.

Saeki: *points at him* Aha.

Killua: *sticks tongue out* And you don't even know anything yet. I don't reveal everything at once.

Saeki: *rolls eyes* Good for you. *drops down* How do you get back to your world?

Killua: I've taken you there. You know how.

Saeki: Do I? *grins and leans against the climbing frame*

Killua: ... I don't really get it myself. I just go back.

Saeki: So if you wanted to hang out again you could just get back?

Killua: Of course. And I do.

Saeki: Do you have family commitments this coming week?

Killua: I am not doing anything Monday, Tuesday or Sunday.

Saeki: ...Okay. Maybe one of those then.

Killua: When's good for you?

Saeki: Anytime, but you seem a lot busier.

Killua: I guess. I like hanging out with my friends.

Saeki: *sits down on the woodchips* So do I. But are you calling me a friend already?

Killua: Shouldn't I? *sits down as well*

Saeki: You were probably talking about your other plans anyway!

Killua: *throws a woodchip at Saeki* I consider you a friend.

Saeki: That'd be cool. I don't have many in Tokyo.

Saeki: ...Or other worlds. In general. I don't know.

Killua: *grins* We're friends then. And I'm getting you something for your birthday despite your boyfriend's objections.

Saeki: What? You really don't have to. When's your birthday?

Killua: I know I don't have to. Mine's not for a year.

Saeki: Aww. You're so young.

Killua: *throws another woodchip at him*

Saeki: *scoops a joint handful and gets up and dumps them on his head*

Killua: Hey! *shakes his head to get them off and then throws a handful at him*

Saeki: *dodges and leans against climbing frame again* Where's your best friend right now?

Killua: Back in my world, probably. *runs a hand through his hair to make sure there's no woodchips left* Why?

Saeki: If you travel together and it's just you two, he's probably missing you.

Killua: Nah. He's good at making friends. A lot better than I am. *grins* He's already friends with everyone at the place we work.

Saeki: Some people are like that.

Killua: Yeah. But that's good, otherwise I wouldn't be friends with him. *smiles and gets to his feet*

Saeki: *uncrosses arms* Maybe we can do something Monday.

Killua: I can show you the place where Gon and I work. You can meet Gon!

Saeki: Okay. *steps over and holds out a woodchip* Keep hold of that in case you forget.

Killua: *confused, but takes it anyway* Why would I forget?

Saeki: You're busy and you work.

Killua: I don't forget my friends. *pockets the woodchip though*

Saeki: *steps back* I'm not your friend.

Killua: Why not?

Saeki: I still don't know you. *slow grin* Yet. See you Monday.

Killua: Oh. Yeah. I'll come pick you up. *grins as well*

Saeki: Fine. *takes steps back* ...Do your inter-world travel thing now.

Killua: .. Alright. *turns around and heads back to his world*
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