yes it was i believe we always have a good time in that class together we have a great combo of ppl, had fun hangin out with u for the little time i did this weekend u got urs and i got mine lol
BOO ROBERT!babiixdiimeNovember 3 2004, 02:24:14 UTC
ROBERT- im never talking to u again but im just gonna let everything out i think about u rite now! i trusted u n i thought we were good friends but w/e i honestly thinked u liked me fightng with kris you seemed to care soooooooo fucking much when we would get in fights before but i then i introduced u to camie n ariel n u got so fucking full of urself...u dont get the NICE shit i said to them to have them like you but ur fucking two faced n u use people to get what u want. ariel really DOES NOT LIKE YOU so please stop constantly calling laurens phone asking if she wants to talk to cuz she doesnt .... i think id know. chicks before dicks remember? and im not even gonna get into me and kris cuz ill end up breaking my computer in rage cuz of that shit that u came so close to pulling but im letting it go cuz i let very few people get close to me n kris is def one of them ...nice try though! well for ur own good go to anger management n get help!! SOOOOOOO SORRY FOR "ANNOYING" YOU
Re: BOO ROBERT!prettiinpiink2November 3 2004, 02:27:50 UTC
sry i ever EVER let things get into the way of our friendship and take kers advice cuz not beign me i told u the truth when we were friends anger management helps
Hell yeah! Go Kristina...Seriously Robert you need to get over the shit talking...You are one DRAMATIC human being you have caused so much fighting that didn't need to take place, you're 2-faced, and then when you talk deny you understand how gay you make urself look!?...And by the way...i dont appreciate being called fat..AND...THE NEXT TIME YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT ME IN CLASS FUCKIN SAY IT TO MY FACE AND NOT TO SOMEONE YOU DONT EVEN KNOW!...IT'LL ALWAYS GET BACK TO ME...YOU MIGHT AS WELL JUST SAY IT TO ME AND ATLEAST LOOK LIKE YOU HAVE SOME BALLS...
Comments 12
great time today!
haha, drama is just as entertaining as it is funny.
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