Why I'm Worthy

May 15, 2005 01:24

001.Name: Marisa Fleming

002.Age: 15

003.Location: Glendale, Arizona


Show us what you look like, with three pictures or more:

Who do you think is the epitome of pretty?: I think the epitome of pretty is either Liv Tyler or Keira Knightley. I think they are both beautiful women.

What do you think makes you pretty?: My attitude. I think the attitude of an indivdual really affects how people see them & I keep a good attitude.

Why do you want to join this group?: I want to join this group to be around pretty people.

What do YOU have to say...

What's your opinion on overweight people?: I think beauty is skin deep and if you have the right attitude then people will look at you in a positive way whether or not you are overweight.

Everyone has an opinion on Anna Nicole Smith.  What's yours?: I think Anna Nicole has put a lot of effort and time into losing weight. Even if she is probably emotionally and mentally unstable, she worked towards a goal and made it. It shows a lot to go through with something like that.

How do you get ready to present yourself on a casual day?: To get ready on a casual day I shower, blow dry & straighten my hair, use a little makeup, brush my teeth, and dress.

.How did you find this community?  Please include the username of the promoter: I found this community through LC Sirens. a_trifle_deaf

Promote us in at least 1 community and link it to us here: http://www.livejournal.com/community/lc_sirens/
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