Do you have a crush on someone? → If you don't count celebrities, no. Wait. Is it possible to crush on someone else?? I'M CONFUSED.
What do you like about yourself? → My great sense of humor Which you clearly got from your mum! Yesterday, she came to us as we were sitting in the parking lot, saying she had a surprise for us. She gave us an empty bottle of champagne. She's better at keeping a straight face, though :D
Do you believe its possible to remain faithful forever? → Yes, absolutely, my mum and dad are the perfect example! Your dad said something really cute about that, actually. He meant it as a joke, but I was oddly touched by it nonetheless. I don't know what happened exactly, but I think they lost each other during Kraftwerk and your dad said, 'you know how it goes with these old couples. One half doesn't work without the other.'
I'm totally digging the new icons, by the way. The one with Hamster reading kicks ass. I'm slightly disappointed there isn't an SPN one in there - or at least a Jared-icon. I've even got one. And
( ... )
Omg, did my dad actually say that?! He could be a writer for Merlin, they're always talking about two halves of the same coin :-) But you're right as for as the love goes, my parents set a good example!
Yeah I lOVE my new icons (hammond darcy)!! Can you tell I watch a lot of top gear lately? Those 3 boys crack me up every time, they're such a dynamic threesome! James is still my favorite. His dry humor and his interest in/for (?) everything are a deadly combination for me! BUT I'm starting to like richard more and more. Especially with his long hair (I know you hate it that way) and his cheerfulness. He's such a happy person! I think things will never be dull with him :-)
Speaking of icons, why are you complaining about icon space when you're using such a "pointless" icon. Why use boots when you can use a whole body or a perfect face?
When season 5 of SPN begins I'll probably have some icons of the Winchester boys. But at the moment I'm just more excited about Merlin, House and top gear. Though the new promo does look good...
Teehee! Perhaps your dad secretly does work for Merlin. That would be awesome.
Hamster is cute. I love him because he's such a geek, sometimes (and of Birmingham descent, says Wikipedia!). And on closer inspection, he does look really good in that icon. I still don't -and probably never will- get the James May-thing. But hey, I've got a thing for Jonathan Ross, so I don't think I can hold this against you...
BECAUSE THE BOOTS ARE SEXY, YOU CRAZY WOMAN. Also, I've got an icon of his perfect face (see?). A couple, actually (and, speaking of perfect bodies, I'm still debating with myself whether or not to use an icon of the pheasant-photo). I really want a good one of Jensen and Jared, so if you find one let me know.
Look good? That's it? Man, it's an EPIC promo. Even Tijs seems more excited than you! You are DISMISSED.
Comments 3
Wait. Is it possible to crush on someone else?? I'M CONFUSED.
What do you like about yourself? → My great sense of humor
Which you clearly got from your mum! Yesterday, she came to us as we were sitting in the parking lot, saying she had a surprise for us. She gave us an empty bottle of champagne. She's better at keeping a straight face, though :D
Do you believe its possible to remain faithful forever? → Yes, absolutely, my mum and dad are the perfect example!
Your dad said something really cute about that, actually. He meant it as a joke, but I was oddly touched by it nonetheless. I don't know what happened exactly, but I think they lost each other during Kraftwerk and your dad said, 'you know how it goes with these old couples. One half doesn't work without the other.'
I'm totally digging the new icons, by the way. The one with Hamster reading kicks ass. I'm slightly disappointed there isn't an SPN one in there - or at least a Jared-icon. I've even got one. And ( ... )
But you're right as for as the love goes, my parents set a good example!
Yeah I lOVE my new icons (hammond darcy)!! Can you tell I watch a lot of top gear lately? Those 3 boys crack me up every time, they're such a dynamic threesome!
James is still my favorite. His dry humor and his interest in/for (?) everything are a deadly combination for me! BUT I'm starting to like richard more and more. Especially with his long hair (I know you hate it that way) and his cheerfulness. He's such a happy person! I think things will never be dull with him :-)
Speaking of icons, why are you complaining about icon space when you're using such a "pointless" icon. Why use boots when you can use a whole body or a perfect face?
When season 5 of SPN begins I'll probably have some icons of the Winchester boys. But at the moment I'm just more excited about Merlin, House and top gear. Though the new promo does look good...
Hamster is cute. I love him because he's such a geek, sometimes (and of Birmingham descent, says Wikipedia!). And on closer inspection, he does look really good in that icon. I still don't -and probably never will- get the James May-thing. But hey, I've got a thing for Jonathan Ross, so I don't think I can hold this against you...
BECAUSE THE BOOTS ARE SEXY, YOU CRAZY WOMAN. Also, I've got an icon of his perfect face (see?). A couple, actually (and, speaking of perfect bodies, I'm still debating with myself whether or not to use an icon of the pheasant-photo). I really want a good one of Jensen and Jared, so if you find one let me know.
Look good? That's it? Man, it's an EPIC promo. Even Tijs seems more excited than you! You are DISMISSED.
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