got bored really bored. and i never even get on LJ anymore. So heres something. :)
Name:: Jessica
Age:: 15
Height:: 5'3
Hair Color:: Brown w/ red
Eye Color:: Brown
School Life
What's your school's mascot?: gangsta pirate
School color(s)?: Marron Black and white
G.P.A.?: have no clue
Who is your favorite teacher, currently?: Mrs. Thompson
What do they teach?: art
Is this your favorite class?: yes
Do you use any instant messengers?: yes
If so, which ones?: aim
About how many hours a day do you spend online?: to many
Do you have a digital camera?: no but i have a scanner. that i dont know how to use
If so, do you post pictures of yourself online?: no
Do you play any instruments?: yes
If so, what one(s)?: i can somewhat play the harmonica. but it broke :(
3 Favorite Genres Of Music:: good music
3 Favorite Bands:: Recover.Hellogoodbye. The faint
Do you go to concerts and/or shows?: yeah
What is the most you've ever spent on a concert/show?: $10
What is the least you've ever spent?: been paid to go as well
Do you think buying merch at a concert then wearing it there is corny?: haha yeah
Do you listen to any bands that you'd be ashamed to admit to listening to?: umm..Sum 41?
Word Association
Blue:: eyes
Camera:: phone
Boy:: to much fun
Girl:: whores
Pretty:: boys
Pants:: tight
Music:: amazing
God:: light
Sweater:: colors
Live Journal:: barly entertaining
MTV:: not really MUSICtelevsion anymore
Do you think labels are dumb?: dont care
Why or why not?: dosnt matter
What do people label you as?: uhm Brenna calls me fat?...idk there is alot of stuff floating around now.
How/Why did you get this label?: fat ass bitches
Which Is Worse?
Physical Pain/Emotional Pain?: emotional
Blink-182/Good Charlotte?: GC. Blink-182 makes me giggle and tom delonge is beautiful
Being Deaf/Being Blind?: blind.
Being Bored/Rushing around because you have too much to do?: being bored. im always ready
Losing your dominant leg/Losing your dominant arm?: kkill mee
Do you believe theres a difference between "love" and "in love"?:yes
Is it better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all?: Not have love at all. End the end you wind up getting hurt emotionally. No one likes that.
Are you in a relationship now?: no
If so, for how long?: no
If not, how long have you been single?: a few months
Are you a virgin?: no
What song describes your love life right now?: LETS GO! by Trick daddy hahahahah
War: Good or Bad?: Hate is all you need
What do you think of designer labels?: Pretty
Who's skankier: Britney Spears or Paris Hilton?: neither. people are just jealous
What is it with guys and cars?: nothing. i love cars too
Do you sing?: in the shower
If so, what part (Soprano 1,Alto 2, et cetera)?: everything
Kiss or hug?: depends on who it is
What color is your room?: wallpaper
How old is your mom?: 36
Black and white or color photos?: depends what the picture is of
Who cuts your hair?: me
What color is your toothbrush?: i have about 4. :)
What color is your hair brush?: black?
What kind of hair products do you use?: Moose.molding wax. hair spray
Is K-Mart just the poor man's Wal-Mart?: i guess
Are you sXe?: well DUH
Are you sexy?: the question is.
What color do people tell you looks nice on you?: anything and everything?
What color do you think looks nice on you?: black and turqoise
Clothes shopping or grocery shopping?: clothes
Who do you sit with at lunch?: Adays-Miss Jamie, Sam, Chaz..Bdays=Steven,Kris,brenna,somelady,Abby,Georgia,peter,CJ.<33
Do you like the sound of your own voice when you hear it played back?: no. i sound like a highpitched 12 year old.
Who has the nicest speaking voice that you know?: Skylur or w/e
What is the website for one of your favorite bands?: um. Saddle-creek records :)
Do you prefer to date people younger, older, or the same age as you?: older. bigger the better
Do you listen to songs on repeat often?: not really
Who was the last person you hung out with?: Stephen