Due + Affliates + Fill in the Silence.

Jun 23, 2007 14:44

There are two entries that need to be posted! Today's the deadline, but I'll post up voting at midnight.

I've been meaning to say that pretty_stickers has a new affliate! choco_cherries; it's a brilliant crossover fic-challenge comm. They're doing weekly ficlet challenges which are A LOT of fun! =)

Our already existing affliate is cult_ships, which is a Lost unconventional pairings fic challenge. ♥

We have long silences while we wait for fics to be entered, so I was wondering if any of you would be interested in the idea of a weekly drabble prompt-"challenge"? There'd be no awards or voting; it'd just be a very free challenge where you can just write and use your muse once a week. The reason for it is, is that pretty_stickers is usually really quiet when rounds are up, and I know that maybe some of you who enter and are stuck waiting might be looking for some challenges to write for; plus, we have many members who don't partiicpate in the rounds and I was wondering if drabbles would interest them enough to have a go! =)

It's up to you all if you want to have a go at the weekly-prompt challenge. It'd work just like all the 100 word drabble challenges (or challenges with minus 500 word limits).

Anyway, I hope you all are having a good day and weekend! =) (Sorry for the pretty_stickers Mod Posts spam. ;p) ♥

.mod post, round three, ! affliates

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