In response to
the member tally guide, if you'd like to say that you've done something point-worthy or would like to nominate someone who has done something point-worthy you can do so here.
I simply can not keep up with the posts and people are not reporting in who has left feedback, so any member who leaves feedback can leave a comment here (although for you to have this under your name on the list, the author will need to confirm that you did, indeed, leave feedback. And if someone has left feedback, you can rank it on a scale of 1-5. This helps the mod out and it's best if the writer judges the feedback quality than the mod as the mod will be too generous and give everyone the same number of points. The mod reserves right to change that number.) Please know that if you do not report a member who has left you feedback that they definitely do reserve the right to not comment with evidence that you left feedback for them.
Leave the username, what they did and evidence, and I'll be sure to add them to the
list. Please use
the guide to get the points right. The more details you leave, the better.
nominee:what they did:proof:points:date:anything else: Please keep using this post unless specified not to to nominate members you think are worthy or points or an honourable mention.
The first comment is an example as to how this should look once you've completed the form. It is also an example of when you have several people to nominate. Let's not get slack, guys! Thank you. :)