Oct 26, 2005 11:41


Name: Ilvy

DOB: 10-4-1988

Location: The Netherlands, Dongen

Gender: Female

Straight/bi/gay: I go for the ones with the penis

Single?: Nope


Movies (5 at least): Ehm.. Identity, Lord of the Rings, Disney movies, A beautiful mind, Thirteen.

Bands (5at least): OASIS, Coldplay, Yellowcard, Velvet Revolver, Sugarcult

Tv shows (3 at least): Beugelbekkie, Friends, EHBO

Quote: I always think twice, before I say something stupid.

Famous person and why: Javier Guzman (famous?) because he is like AMAZINGLY hottttt

About you

Body mods: Labret, bellybutton ring and I used to have a surface under my bellybutton but I have to get that one pierced again.

Likes: People, children, internet, photography, cabaret.

Dislikes: Nasty food, gossip

Goal in life: Be happy

Make us laugh: You should see me naked...

If you could change 1 thing about yourself what would it be: I would drop 10 kilograms

What news shocked you most the last 3 days and why: Urm.. someone from my livejournal had a baby and I MISSED IT :O

What’s most important to you: My friends


Animal testing: Totally against and most of the times not needed to be done !

Death penalty: Hhm.. tough one. I guess I'm against since I believe that someone who took anothers life, should suffer a very long time.

Drugs: Against, but that's a personal matter.

Positive discrimination: Erhmm.. god.. this isnt easy, hehe. I'm always against discrimination, so I guess I should go against this one too.

Suicide: I think most of the people should really find other ways to solve their problems, instead of just being depressed and threatening to kill theirselves. Otherwise I can understand why someone who has lost most of his family doesn't want to live anymore, because there is no-one to live for anyways.

Vegetarian: I am a vegetarian, I guess that says it all. I'm pro.. but in my opinion everybody has the right to be veggie or not.

Photos (at least 3)

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