Am I Pretty?

Jan 24, 2006 11:24

*note: sorry i tried to apply before but deleted my app. cuz i had old application*


Name: Vanessa Linda
DOB: April 12, 1986
Location: Miami, Florida
Straight/gay/bi: Straight
Single?(if not show us a picture): happily taken.

Movies (at least 5): Nightmare Before Xmas, Memiors Of A Geisha, Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas, Eternal Sunshine, 16 Candles, Hero, House Of Flying Daggers.
Bands (at least 5): Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, Dave Mathews Band, Howie Day, Death Cab For Cutie, Avenue D...basically any music.
Quote: "live love laugh"
Famous person, and why: Madonna. Shes talented in every way possible.

About you:
Likes: Ducks, tote bags, homemade things, pins, hair styles, pink, sushi, thia iced tea, fashion, reading, art, my job @ express
Dislikes: bees & bugs of that nature, mayo (yuck!), people who are irnorant, britney spears
Make us laugh: We love violence in this country, we love violence. We all have those little violent tendencies. I know you're like me, when you see someone walking down the street in a Superman tee shirt, you just want to shoot them in the chest. And when they start to bleed go, "I guess not." Don't wear the shirt. Wear a shirt that says, "I bleed if you shoot me in the chest plate" and I will not shoot you in the chest plate. Superbleeder. (actually thats Dane Cook but i bet it made u laugh lol)
News that shocked you the most in the past week:

Give your opinion on at least 2 of these subjects;
Abortion, Animaltesting, Death Penalty, Drugs, Positive discrimination, suicide, vegetarian.
abortion, its a womens body and she is the sole owner and decider of what she does with it.
vegerian, i wish i didnt like chicken so much! id be one.
positive discrimination, ?? isnt that an oxymoron ??

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