haven, let's fangirl, shall we?

Aug 27, 2011 00:04

thoughts on last week and this week's haven, very shallow I'm sure

I rewatched AUDREY PARKER'S DAY OFF like 20 times at least. Even with Chris and his stupid face it managed to be one of my favorite episodes of the entire series.

I cried..a lot. I cried when Duke died,

OMG the Nuke is this episode was so fantastic-that face grab at the end, well done show.

I cried when Nathan died,

I thought Emily and Lucas were so on during this and when she told him about his death-how she couldn't watch him die again. GUH, shipping them is so forfilling, you should all try it-you will be pleased.

Eric Balfour was so fucking funny,

i usually rewatch eps and just watch-well..honestly Nathan's face but I was def stopping for any scene where Duke discussed waffles. Eric responded to my friendly stalkerish tweet asking if he had improvised that scene with the "Express yourselves physically," scene. He said he they tried like 10 takes so hopefully this seasons dvd has a blooper reel with whatever other brilliance be spouted.

Speaking of twitter, I am now being followed by Emily Rose!!!

this won't last long, not with my constant mentions of how I want to sit on Lucas Bryant's face. Trying a little too hard now with my twitter. I'm all awkward and mean..I'm such a mean person guys, for real. I can't have a twitter because I am evil in real time. I even insulted Jason Omara on there..I love him..well I love his face, turns out he is boring as fuck on twitter. SEE how evil? May have to stick to haven pimpage only. We want season 3, and if takes twitter to get it I can be twitter's whore.

I did like the Audrey/Duke stuff, i love their relationship so much--the hug was perfect. Hating Chris so very much has really made me appreciate the Audrey/Duke relationship so much more than I would out of loyalty to Nathan/Audrey. I'm not saying romance between them wouldn't irk me, but I'll take them over Chris anyday.

I cried when Chris didn't REALLY die, and I swooned during this-

*DIES. To all the people who found this dialog heavy handed, fuck all yall this shit is magic..MAGIC. OMG..They are my favorite TV OTP right now. He can only feel her, and they are destined to make my inner fangirl happy.

Then at the end-what does it mean when she can't look at Nathan? It's because she loves him? Doesn't want to hurt him? TELL ME!!

Okay so tonight's episode,

Tweeted live with Killmotion and Colormytv, it made the episode so much more entertaining.

This show was kind of meh compared to the greatness that was last week, but it had it's good points.

FIRST thought, creepy singing kids-my favorite!

Glad to see the doctor back from last season--but before he was a therapist?? Now he is in forensics? I'll roll with it.

Who dresses Duke? no polka dots. pls.

The bickering between Nathan and Duke is always HILARIOUS-when Duke grabbed it and said TRUCE! LOL! They remind me of little boys, who are sexy. So many things wrong with that realization.

The Rev continues to be evil..as does Evie. Not sure where this evil alignment came from-so were they connected before this ep-was he who she spoke to on the phone?

<3 Nathan and Audrey even though the intensity of their shared emotional bond i have exaggerated in my head seemed to be forgotten. His face after the I bet you look good in black comment was ADORABLE as usual.

Almost wish they didn't use the boy in the bathtub scene as this week's preview because it would have freaked me out so much more. They did the samething with last episode giving away the Nathan death scene. The spoilerwhore in me approves, but that 20% of me that wants to be surprised is hoping they chill with the big reveals prior to the episode airing.

LOL at Audrey's: Surpise comment to the Rev when he says he wants something in return.

Plot..hmm, mermen you say-interesting, made so much better by Sarah's tweet about the irony of a asthma medication commerical during this episode.

It took those men a rather long time to walk into the water lol

I read tonight's episode was done by the fear and loathing writer so I was hoping for a bit more character/relationship development then we got. Sure we had that endcap (def didn't think we were even getting that) of Audrey and Nathan figuring they are following in the footsteps of The Chief and Lucy--but it wasn't as epic as what we got last week. Also am I the only person waiting to hear they are siblings? LOL-i know it's impossible if Nathan's father wasn't biologically the chief, but you feel me-don't make my otp weird show.

Last week the set a new standard for me-unless Nathan dramatically dies in Audrey's arms everyweek I'm just gonna be MEH about it.

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