I haven't been really active because I've been kinda struggling with living life lately. Well, that struggle is over now.
I've come to one conclusion with my life lately, and it was with some help. I've decided that no matter what's happening, no matter what's wrong with me, or what kind of hell I'm going through, I'm still here. I had a talk with the Charlestown PD officer that was first on scene with me in my
car accident of '99. I learned some new things about my condition that day... things that are a little disconcerting. Andy was the first officer on scene, and he's the one that pulled me off my broken door, because I was laying across shards of jagged glass. He said I was unresponsive to anything, and he had to start CPR on me because he couldn't find a pulse. I was rushed to Valley Regional Hospital in Claremont NH, and airlifted to Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC) by the DART Helicopter.
Okay, the news -> I just learned why the Charlestown NH Police Department doesn't have an accident report on file for me. My case was instantly turned over to the New Hampshire State Police because I wasn't expected to survive the trip to Claremont... not to mention the airlift to DHMC. Andy said I was in such rough shape when he got there that he honestly thought I'd be dead within the hour. Hearing this from him... I was standing there beside myself. He shook my hand, and he told me how happy he was to see me still breathing. He reminded me to always remember how lucky I am that I'm still here. I know he was telling me to "count my blessings", so-to speak. But really, this acted as an atomic bitch-slap.
I've been wallowing in self-pity, having daily feeling-sorry-for-myself episodes, and getting pissy with everyone that offers to help me. WTF has happened to me?! From now on, I vow to live happy... because I'm ALIVE. I've lost many people, I know people that have lost many people, and as being members of the still-living persuasion, we should all feel fortunate that one of life's stupid and unfortunate mishaps hasn't taken us out yet. I say FUCK being sad... life is what you make it... and god damn it, I'm going to be happy. No job... oh well. No money... sucks to be me.
Yeah, I've done a lot of growing up in the last few days, and it's like I'm looking at the world with a new set of eyes... it's great.
Still kicking,