(no subject)

Jun 10, 2005 11:40


name: Katie
age: 15
location: Phoenix, AZ
sexuality: Straight
relationship status: Taken
read the rules? love me for inner beauty
top 5 favorite bands/groups/singers:
01. Hawk Nelson
02. Goo Goo Dolls
03. Bare Naked Ladies
04. Weezer
05. The Cure
top 5 favorite movies:
01. Girl Interrupted
02. Mean Girls
03. Hitch
04. Monsters Inc.
05. Billy Madison
top 3 favorite books:
01. It's Not About Me - Max Lucado
02. Summer Boys - Hailey Abbott
03. Anthem - Ayn Rand
favorite actor(s): Colin Farrell, Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn, Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller
favorite actress(es): Angelina Jolie, Julia Stiles, Rachel McAdams, Cameron Diaz
something about you that's rather interesting: My last name used to be Bundy. My mom's related to Ted Bundy, but that's not why we changed out last name lol
tell us about your friends: They mean everything to me. I could sit here an write a novel about every single one of them but I won't. I know I can come to them with anything and they'll be there to listen and not judge. I'd give my life for all of them even if they wouldn't do the same for me. We laugh about the most random things and I'm with them more than I'm with my family.

how do you feel about these topics... and why?
religion: I was saved during the summer of 8th grade. I accepted Jesus into my heart as my personal Savior. I was baptized on September 21, '03. I'm not going to try and push my religion on to anyone, I'm not that type of person. I'm very open to other peoples religion too, I have a lot of friends who aren't Christian like I am and I still love them the same. Everything I do is for Him, and I don't know where I'd be without Him.
teen pregnancy: It's really sad. But I don't give pity to the teens who weren't educated enough to use protection during sex. If you're mature enough to have sex, be smart enough to know the consequences and take precautions. Some teen moms just can't handle it and the children are neglected. Now don't get me wrong, I know LOTS of teen moms that are the greatest moms ever but it's horrible that children have to suffer because their parents mistakes.
abortion: It's the womens choice, it's her body and congressmen should not be telling her what to do with it. Abortion should not be used as some sort of crazy birth control though, that's just wrong. It's the women's choice, but I wish more women would opt for adoption, so the baby could at least have a chance at life.
drug use and abuse: I think it's really really stupid. I just don't understand why someone would want to be so numb to anything around them just for fun. I've never done drugs and I don't think I ever will just because I see NO POINT in it. I know that some people use drugs as an escape to their real life, but aren't there better ways for that?
gay marriage: Love is love, no matter what gender you are. Who are we to tell people that they can't be legally married because they're homosexual? It disgusts me how narrow-minded some people can be. Kind of short answer, but it was to the point.
suicide: It's extremely sad that people commit suicide think that there is no other way around their problems. I think most people who commit suicide don't realize how much they're hurting the people they're leaving behind and I think that's a little selfish. Maybe it's because I've never been in that sort of situation but if you were having so many problems and suicidal thoughts, wouldn't you try to get help? It's just really sad.
quitting school: That's just dumb, I mean, you're getting a FREE education. I'm trying to LOAD my schedule with academic classes because I know once I leave high school it's going to cost so much more, so why not get all I can now. I understand if you have to quit school to raise your kid, you can always go back to school. But quitting school just because you don't like it? I think it's silly.
eating disorders: This is really sad, just like the suicide topic. I can't imagine that feeling where you hate yourself so much that you stop eating or just throw up. I wish the more people would just be happy with their body, I don't like the way I look, but I can't change it so I just have to accept it. I'm glad that there are places for people with eating disorders to get help because I would hate to be a situation like that with no one to help me.
self-harm: My friend Leah used to cut herself. I ended up having to get her help, she hated me for telling someone, but in the end she came around and thanked me because if I hadn't told someone she said she probably would've have been here today. Again, I feel really bad for people who think that's the only alternative to their problems. There are so many people out there that want to help but most people who harm themselves won't tell anyone.

have you ever
cheated on someone: No
lied to someone you love: Not about anything major
watched porn: No
stolen something: No
kissed someone of the same sex: I kiss some of my friends on the cheek but I barely think that counts
thought about suicide: Yes, but not too often.

promote this community somewhere, and give us proof:

were you referred by someone? or found our community posted in another journal/community? if so, where? It was promoted to x_promote. I don't know by who, but that's where I found it.

post atleast two, no more than 4, pictures of you. clear pictures.

Sorry it's blurry =/
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