name: Andrea
age: 15
location: southern CA
sexuality: straight
relationship status: single :)
read the rules? love me for inner beauty
top 5 favorite bands/groups/singers:
01. The Killers
02. Matchbox 20
03. 3 Doors Down
04. Jet
05. Maroon Five
top 5 favorite movies:
01. Finding Nemo
02. Forrest Gump
03. The Ring (1+2)
04. Lord of the Ring
05. A Walk to Remember
top 3 favorite books:
01. A-Z series by Sue Grafton
02. The Bonesetter's Daughter
03. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
favorite actor(s): Tom Hanks
favorite actress(es): Nicole Kidman, Renee Zellweger
something about you that's rather interesting: When I'm walking alone (or with my dogs), I'm smiling at life for 90% of the time I'm walking. Just because the sky is blue.
tell us about your friends: my friends are good people. They're all very different, from different "groups" if you will (school groups), and they're there for me. I love them and need them and sometimes want to scream at them but I'm glad I have them in my life. Some friends have changed me for the worse and then better friends have encouraged me to steer back to the right path. They help me through the tough times.
how do you feel about these topics... and why?
religion: Religion can be great. It can also be infuriating. I think it's wonderful when religion gives people direction or hope, and when it encourages people to do good things, be good people. However, it's frustrating when a religion dictates ideas for its followers, and even more frustrating when those followers decide to believe what their religion says blindly. Almost reminds me of 1984 by George Orwell.
teen pregnancy: Teens get pregnant, yes. Teens will continue to get pregnant. Some teens want to get pregnant. Some teens are pregnant by accident. Some teens will choose to remain pregnant, and others will not. Yes, I realize I'm stating facts without feelings or opinions. But these facts are all different, as is every teen pregnancy. Some are sad, some are beautiful, and making a blanket statement would be wrong. Saying that all teen pregnancies are disgusting and unwanted would be ignorant and very wrong. So I will refrain from giving an opinion, as I don't have one.
abortion: I'm pro-choice 100%, no if's, and's, or but's. No matter what woman, what case, how many abortions she's had, it's not my decision. It's also not my place to judge. I think it's unfortunate that a potential life is lost whenever an abortion is performed, but I have no judgments to make of the women receiving the abortions. Obviously, I think abortion should be completely legal in every circumstance. When I think of illegalizing abortions, third world countries immediately come to mind. Overpopulated third world countries where abortions are performed in places that are dirty and with dangerous objects. In addition to violating a woman's right to her own body, making abortions illegal would take us one step back to the level of such countries. Anyway, I very much recognize, accept, and welcome the other viewpoint. I understand the idea that a human life is sacred, and that it's wrong to abort a fetus because it could be considered a life. It would absolutely be ideal if no one ever needed or wanted to get an abortion, but that will probably never happen. Where I draw the line though, for my tolerance and respect, is when people believe that abortion should be illegal. I think it's wrong to impose your moral beliefs on others, seeing as not all people have the same moral standards.
I think I've gone on with this long enough now, heh.
drug use and abuse: Drug use is perfectly fine, if it's legal. Of course, I see nothing wrong with taking prescription or over the counter drugs as medicine. Illegal drug use is a different story. I, personally, see nothing good or positive that could come out of illegal drug use. Ok, so you smoke pot a few times a month with your friends. Maybe it's not hurting anyone, but what's the point? A temporary high? Ok. There's such a fine line between use and abuse, and using for recreation and becoming addicted, and it's not in your control to stay on the safer side of the line. Not really, anyway. Casual/recreational use could very well lead to addiction which would in turn lead to abuse. Abuse, as I see it, not only has no positive aspects, but just leads in a downward slide. However, while I see nothing good about using/abusing drugs, if that's the way you want to go, I'm not going to judge you. Whatever floats your boat. I just won't see the point.
gay marriage: For, absolutely. If it was the other way around, and only homosexual couples were allowed to get married, you can bet your pants heterosexuals would be fighting for their rights just as hard as homosexuals are now. Why can't homosexuals get married, anyway? There is no valid argument, really. God doesn't want it that way? God isn't supposed to rule our government. Every human being should have the same rights. Last time I checked, homosexuals were just as human as heterosexuals. Thank you.
suicide: I'm going to go ahead and group suicide into two categories. Doctor assisted suicide and everything else. Doctor assisted suicide is a good thing. Putting a person out of pain while also giving his/her loved ones the chance to say goodbye has no downsides, to me anyway. Yes, there is the possibility of corrupt doctors euthanizing patients who don't consent. My family actually thinks my great-grandmother was a victim of one such doctor, who was caught, luckily. However, corruption is everywhere, and I honestly think that doctor assisted suicide is above the corruption it might cause, and I think it should be very legal in the entire US. Ok, now on to "everything else." Ok, I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume most of "everything else" is the kill yourself because you are unhappy with your life kind, to whatever degree. I honestly can't think of any other kind of suicide, but I'm not ruling it out. Anyway, so I'll give an opinion on the kind of suicide I mentioned. Such suicide is sad. That's really all I can say. I will not say suicide is wrong or selfish, stupid or bad. I don't know everyone who's ever committed suicide, and I don't think you have either, so it's not anyone's place to judge them. Yes, suicide is sometimes committed for stupid or "wrong" reasons. Yes, suicide is sometimes selfish and bad. And even though it's possible that every other suicide is just the exception, it's not right to make a generalization. So I won't. I'm sad for all the family and friends of people who have committed suicide, and I hope that suicidal people will be able to get the help they need before attempting, but that's as far as I will go with my feelings and opinions on suicide.
quitting school: My grandfather quit school after 3rd grade. He is nonetheless a very bright and smart person. In no way did quitting school make him stupid, like some might say of those who do quit school. I will say those who choose to judge my grandfather by making blanket statements about quitting school are the real stupid ones. Quitting school can sometimes be the high road, other times it can be the wrong road. There are so many reasons a person might decide to quit school. You don't need a diploma to succeed in life, as many have shown. A person is no more stupid than the next person just because he/she decided to quit school.
eating disorders: It's difficult to give my opinion on eating disorders. I'm recovering from an eating disorder. I would feel hypocritical saying anything about eating disorders, so I'd really prefer to not say anything. If you really want me to, just ask, and I will.
self-harm: I was a self-harmer. In the past. I will never self-harm with the intention of releasing emotional pain or experience some kind of high again, though I can't say I ever did it for the second reason. I think the reason for concern in regards to self injuring is the reason behind the actions. What's wrong is more important than how could you do that to yourself. It's important to be there for self-injuring friends. I can't say anything else without being hypocritical, so I'll stop there.
have you ever
cheated on someone: No, and I never will.
lied to someone you love: yes
watched porn: no
stolen something: no
kissed someone of the same sex: family, and friends on the cheek, sure
thought about suicide: yes
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