Okay, all. Here's some recent photos of myself. Yes, I'm still alive.
In the side mirror of the car. Not a great picture, but I thought it was cool nonetheless.
Another reflection. This was a wire-enforced window in one of the buildings I have class in at ISU.
Chillin' in my room the first evening back from break.
Andy took this by the MU when it snowed.
Wearing Silas' hat while watching him and Greg attempt to play hockey. I had a cold sore... :(
Redid my hair and cut it to shoulder-length.
This is how I usually FEEL.
I am totally bringing back the wave.
Cliche mirror shot
Crack whore wife from Cops shot.
The following few are a result of an hour or so with a curling iron, some texture spray, and a few of the contents of my tiny makeup bag.
♥El Fin♥