About You
[Name] Jamie Lynn
[Age] Seventeen
[Sex] Female
[Location] Michigan
[Hobbies/Interest] Shopping, Singing, Psycology, Cooking
[Boyfriend/Girlfriend?] Yes, I have a boyfriend
[Actress] Angelina Jolie
[Actor] Bruce Willis
[Singer/Band] Jessica Simpson
[T.V Show] Newlyweds or Real World
[Movie] Meet the Fockers, at the moment
[Book] Book Ends - Jane Green
[Song] "Love in an Elevator" - Aerosmith
[Food] Mostecholi (sp?)
[Drink] Orange Juice
[Favorite store/clothing brand] Forever21/Doesnt Matter
[Favorite makeup brand] Cover Girl
[Abortion] I believe that abortion is wrong if it's used as a birth control. I believe that under circumstances, such as rape, it's alright... but if I had the choice I think I would still have the child, but one never knows until they experiment something so tragic.
[God] I'm on the fence about this one, I used to always go to church and everything... but the more I went the more I questioned it. No one can prove this to me, and they always say dont always believe everything you read. I'm not discriminate to those who believe it though.
[Gay Marriage] Love who you want to love, and putting a law on this isnt going to stop gay relationships. Love isnt race, religion, gender, etc.
[Suicide] Of course, Im against suicide. Everyone has those thoughts of suicide at one point or another, but later on you always think about how ridiculous you were to be considering something like that. I havent had what I would call a hard life, so this may also something to learn on experience.
[How did you find out about this community] a friends journal
[Why should we accept you?] because I will vote and promote
[What is your best memory you can think of?] falling in love, as corny as that may sound... but out of a group of guys i didnt know at all that were hitting on me, i chose the one sitting on the porch all alone and quiet... we knew each other a week and we've been together for almost 2 and a half yrs
[What would you do or say if I called you a "BITCH"?] I would ask you why you would feel the need to call me that, first of all, and second i would probably ask how do you think you know me well enough to call me that... I wouldnt take it too personal because you dont know me
[What is the meanest insult you gave to someone?] I told them I wish flies would infest their deepest hole... lol quite disgusting, and i was joking around
[What is the meanest thing you've done to someone?] put shaving cream all over them while they were sleeping, while knowing they were allergic to aloe vera
[What do you like most about yourself?] I like that I'll try anything reasonable once, and Im free-spirited
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