--- reality t.v. sucks balls. + the notebook (did it make you cry?? lol it made me cry) ++ idk why but i found ur abortion answer funny lol. ++++++++++ PACSUN AND MAC xD (someone knows how to shop...lol) - ur bitch thingy...if someone calls you a bitch, now a days, it really doesnt mean n e thing. so if osmeone calls you a bitch, laugh in their face and say..."u no it" or suttin like that. lol
breakups suck
wow since i commented on ur ap a lot...just gotta say sum last things, ur very pretty (2nd pic annoyed me cuz of the shirt lol but its all good) and i say yes xD
Comments 20
+ the notebook (did it make you cry?? lol it made me cry)
++ idk why but i found ur abortion answer funny lol.
++++++++++ PACSUN AND MAC xD (someone knows how to shop...lol)
- ur bitch thingy...if someone calls you a bitch, now a days, it really doesnt mean n e thing. so if osmeone calls you a bitch, laugh in their face and say..."u no it" or suttin like that. lol
breakups suck
wow since i commented on ur ap a lot...just gotta say sum last things, ur very pretty (2nd pic annoyed me cuz of the shirt lol but its all good) and i say yes xD
ur annoying. ur pretty..i give you that but your fucking annoying as hell.
There were some things I liked, though, and you're really cute... kinda Anne Hathaway-ish.
But I'm still gonna hafta go with no.
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