soulmate dry your eyes, cause soulmates never die

Oct 20, 2005 20:16

Let me just say that I am pissed off as hell ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

ihopeuchoke66 October 21 2005, 09:45:48 UTC
Heather I absolutely adore you. You are fabulous and wonderful and magnificent and amazing all put together times 987928342.



__denvermaxxx October 21 2005, 14:18:50 UTC
the only time I ever tried to kidnap your car was at school
and dustin and I drove around campus w/ it
then parked it in the adult ed. parking lot
oh wait, then there was the time at the drive-in when I tried to drive away, but I ended up turning the wind shield wipers on instead...

well, it doesn't matter
because we love eachother


signed_fate October 22 2005, 01:17:09 UTC
WooHoo! I fucking love you Heather! And im so glad you and Doug are together! :)~ <--- Thats a toung... for my smily face.. yeah i know your a touch jelous


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