Fifty Shades of Crap: The snailmail project

Mar 31, 2013 04:35

ETA: Temporarily public.

This is mainly for necromommycon's amusement, but for anyone else who has subjected themselves to the horror that is the E.L. James series of dubcon and terrible writing (or for those who were wise enough to avoid and just want a laugh), you can take a glimpse at what several of us have done to a copy of the heinous first installment ( Read more... )

wtf, friends, funny, books, i'm deliberately avoiding tagging this, photos

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Comments 24

necromommycon March 31 2013, 13:04:40 UTC
OMG, I love this post.

I came here to share this sentence: “Elizabeth walked slowly around her room, stopping to touch and examine some of her more treasured possessions: a turquoise and silver bracelet Todd had brought back for her from his last article she’d written for The Oracle.” I don't even know WHY; I just read that, and thought "H. needs this sentence in her life, STAT."

Someday we're going to create our own cracked-out answer to SVH, just as ridonculous and soap-opera-ish, but hopefully not set at a high school so there can be sex scenes.


necromommycon March 31 2013, 13:10:55 UTC
...and I just saw the Cassie Clare edit. Crying with LOLs.


SHE'S EVERYWHERE prettyh March 31 2013, 13:29:40 UTC


Re: SHE'S EVERYWHERE necromommycon March 31 2013, 13:51:58 UTC
Someone has changed "Angel Clare" from Tess of the D'Urbervilles to Cassie Clare.

Worst. Rape. Ever.


hippie_chick March 31 2013, 13:09:33 UTC
Ahahaha!! I am loving this.


prettyh March 31 2013, 13:31:40 UTC
It is, truly, the ONLY way to get through that book with one's sanity intact! See more photos above. It's a neverending devolution.


hippie_chick March 31 2013, 14:01:51 UTC
LOL! I was doing my own annotations in my head as I read the first book. It was on my Kindle, but I since removed it from the device. Might still be on my Amazon account though, I should put it back on, and go through and make notes now. ROFLOL!


morgi March 31 2013, 14:15:08 UTC
I... might... be? o.O


_madam_mina_ April 1 2013, 02:30:11 UTC
lol, very nice! I wrote my thoughts on the first book and second book in LJ back in August - not sure if you ever saw them or not :)


necromommycon April 1 2013, 12:15:01 UTC
Is there any chance of getting an unflocked version of this post so I can point people at it?


prettyh April 1 2013, 13:50:32 UTC
Set it to public. Link away.


necromommycon April 1 2013, 13:54:13 UTC

In an unrelated note, I have just had either the best or the worst idea ever. Will email you the details when they're clearer...


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