Pretty Lights Signups 2009

Oct 29, 2009 03:54

Sign-ups are closed. Thanks to everyone!

Here we go! Signing up for the ficathon means that you agree to turn in one RPF story of 750 words or more, according to the assignment you will receive, by midnight on December 20. In exchange, you will recieve one story. Signups open and will close at midnight EST on Saturday, November 7.


In order to sign up, you must volunteer to write in at least one fandom on List A OR two fandoms on List B. ( Exemption requests at this post.) After that, you may sign up for whichever other fandoms you wish, as many as you like, on the list or not. The fandoms must be scripted television shows or films, and the requested characters must be the show or movie's actors only.

Two of your four story requests must be in fandoms on the list. They do not have to be in a fandom that you signed up to write. They can be in the same fandom, or different fandoms. Your other requests are free choices, and can be in any actor fandom, whether on the list or not. If you don't want to use your free choices, you don't have to.

If you only sign up to write one fandom, then you have to offer more than one pairing or actor. At least two. The more, the better!

Crossover requests, even for fandoms on the lists, count as free choices.

We removed the Lord of the Rings crossover rule last year. Go ahead and request it, if you want it. :)

Minimum Requirement Fandoms


Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Battlestar Galactica 2003
Star Trek 2009


Dr. Horrible's Singalong Blog
Dr. Who
Gossip Girl
High School Musical
How I Met Your Mother
NCIS: Los Angeles
Stargate: Atlantis
Stargate: SG-1
The Office



Email address:

LJ and/or website address:

Fandoms you are willing to write:

Name of show or movie first. No acronyms, please! If you're willing to write any cast member, stop here. If not, specify which actors you are willing to write. PLEASE, no nicknames, short forms, initials, etc.. We don't know every show or film out there, and we simply can't match you properly if we don't know who you're talking about.

Please note that "any cast member" means any cast member. (So if you offer any, be certain that your are prepared for any combination of actors, or folk who did five shows back in the first season.)

If you're willing to write Ben Browder with a Stargate SG-1 cast member and Ben Browder with a Farscape cast member (for example), then yes, you do need to list him twice, under each fandom. This goes back to making sure that your signup sheet is as clear as possible.

Genres you are willing to write:
Gen, Girlslash, Boyslash, or Het.

Maximum rating you are willing to write:
G to NC-17

I can write fandom crossovers:

Request 1:
Fandom, then pairing or actor, then prompt or requested element. You can format your prompt however you like. :)

Request 2:
Same as above.

Request 3:
(optional free choice): can be a crossover

Request 4:
(optional free choice): can be a crossover

To sign-up, just comment to this post. Comments will be screened, to keep the gift-giving more secret. If you change your mind, just comment again. We'll use the last dated comment.

Sign-ups are closed.

sign-ups, mod post, 2009

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