Title: The Things We Can't Control
prettyoriannaPairing: Akame. Others to be added later.
Rating: NC-17.
Genre: crime drama au
Beta by: my cat Gemma. and
maeda_marikaDisclaimer: I don't own KAT-TUN, any of its members, any other JE people. I write this for fun and for other fans of these fine folks. But don't steal my plots, mmkay? I put a great deal of time into them except for when I'm randomly spastically spitting words onto a page. But I value those too...
Summary: Two criminals with vastly different styles meet by chance one day. They immediately clash but is that all they'll ever be? How much is fate and how much choice? And how will their meeting change the world around them?
Author's Note: Poor Kame.
Warning: This gets graphic often occasionally, containing at the very least foul language, character death, nefarious crimes, rape, etc etc.
The Master Posts:
On my journal -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostOn the akame_ Community -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostOn the akame_fanfics Community -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostOn the je_kamenashi Community -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostOn the kattun_fanfics Community -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostOn the jin_fics Community -
The Things We Can't Control Master Post Chapter 75 ~Kame's Confusion~
“I suppose we’ll have to have a meeting.” Kame said as he kicked Jin out of the office. Okay, technically speaking, Kame told Jin to go round up everyone and tell them to meet in the sanctuary, but to Jin it felt like he was being kicked out. Jin was pretty sure his boyfriend was holding back. He wouldn’t even let Jin see how deeply it was affecting him.
But it didn’t make sense. Kame had started to open up to him on deeply personal things. Why would he shut him out over this?
Jin knew he wasn’t necessarily the smartest guy sometimes but he couldn’t shake the feeling that Kame had a secret, both from Kizuna and from him. He knew Kame had every right to have a few, but it still hurt to not be trusted enough to be told when it clearly was eating at him.
Well, since Kame wouldn’t talk, Jin decided he should just do what he was told for now. He didn’t like being ordered around but it was for Kame. But… he’d work smart, not hard. What could be smarter than delegating? Besides, the hellions - oh, excuse him, the street kids - could round everyone up much faster than he could alone.
It was incredibly adorable, the way Reina called the sanctuary “the sanctary.” He was going to correct her but she shook her head and tried to teach him the proper way to say it. Finally he gave in and said it her way to mollify her only after that, it came out that way every time he tried to say it, too.
Nobody seemed to care about that, though. They were much more interested in teasing him about the volume level and a few choice phrases from when he and Kame had made love. All he could do in response was sulk and tell them to mind their own business.
They didn’t really listen. He guessed he better get used to it.
Kame felt sick. He thought he’d hidden himself well enough that his father couldn’t find him. Was that why he was sabotaging all the gangs around the city? Testing the waters, trying to find him? But… how would he even know Kame was in a gang? And according to the records Detective Nishikido gave them, the other gangs were only hit once and nobody was trying to kill their members.
Did that mean Papa K had figured out he was with Kizuna after all? He had to know Kizuna was the one who saved Koki and Tatsuya because Kizuna was so unique, but how did he figure out Kame was involved in all of that? Nobody saw him and lived, not on Koki’s rescue and not on Tatsuya’s rescue. Yes, Daisuke had been there at the rough trade house, but Kame had shot him!
Was it Yoko?
No, that didn’t make sense, even if he had managed to get his hands back on Yoko. The trickle of drug dealers started before that.
Maybe other gangs were also having that problem, the influx of drug dealers sent by Papa K, and just hadn’t noticed because it’s a pretty subtle move. On such a small scale, in territories where drug dealers were already allowed, and with the dealers claiming to be working for the gang, it was possible they just weren’t seeing it.
But that didn’t make sense either. The only gang those drug dealers would pose a problem for was Kizuna. There would be no point doing it in other territories even if Kizuna was not specifically Papa K’s target.
Kame’s eyes wandered the little office, desperately searching for something, anything, that could clear the garbage from his mind and connect all the dots that remained. He couldn’t help but feel… well, violated, frankly, and he wasn’t thinking that lightly since already knew a quite a bit about that feeling. But it just felt like yet another piece of his father’s silent promise to destroy everything and everyone he ever loved or who ever helped him.
Taking the key from around his neck, Kame unlocked the cabinet and pulled out the tattered stuffed Snoopy doll. He hadn’t needed it in years but he needed its comfort now. Well, he’d rather have Jin in his arms than Snoopy - a sign of just how much Jin had come to mean to him in such a short time - but that would mean telling Jin the truth about his relationship to Papa K.
And after what Papa K had put Jin’s friend Tatsuya through, Jin would hate him. He’d leave and… and…
Clutching the doll tightly, Kame sank to the floor, back against the side of the desk. He really hadn’t meant to cry but he was scared, so very scared, for his Kizuna family. He didn’t know if he would be able to keep them safe if Papa K was determined to hurt them and it would be all his fault.
“Oh, Kame…” came Yurina’s voice as the door was pushed open. He hadn’t even thought to close it all the way after Jin left. He’d been too focused. “What’s wrong, Kame-chan? This… this is related to the meeting, isn’t it? And the trips to see that creep Yasu?”
He didn’t respond, instead sniffling and wiping his tears with his sleeve.
“Please, ta-“ but she stopped suddenly and when she spoke again she sounded even more worried. “Oh… that’s something I haven’t seen in years. What’s so wrong you need your Snoopy? Talk to me, ne?”
“Let’s just go to the meeting…” Kame finally said, standing. He carefully placed the doll back in the cabinet, locked it, and put the key back around his neck.
Shaking her head, Yurina sighed. “Alright, Kame. Just… remember what I told you earlier. You don’t have to always be so strong. Rely on us, like we rely on you.” She gave a small laugh and a bit of a sly smile, “Besides, don’t you think Jin would fit those arms better than that doll? Though sometimes I think he’s got about the same amount of sense. Really, Kame, you sure know how to pick ‘em…”
“That’s not fair, Yuri-chan. He’s a good man.”
“I never said he wasn’t.” She laughed again. “Come on, they’re waiting.”
The story continues:
Chapter 76 ~Contracted Family~ A/N: Well, it's not a long chapter but I'm having some difficulties making my brain focus. I know it's terribly cliche (and I absolutely refuse to use my dad's glib words here because I hate that phrase mostly because I believe in personal responsibility) that I start a lot of projects and then just sort of abandon them, not because I don't want to do them anymore but simply because something new and shiny has shown up. And I try so hard to not let that happen here because it's not just me I'd let down and, besides, I'm just such a comment whore LOL I love hearing from you guys. But it can be a problem, trying to have the willpower to stay focused when something new comes along. I know I can work past it because I have before and that's how I was able to finish some of my other fics. So I can do it again. But it makes the writing slow, which leads to shorter chapters temporarily.
But it'll be okay, they'll pick back up in length soon, I promise.