Title: The Things We Can't Control
prettyoriannaPairing: Akame. Others to be added later.
Rating: NC-17.
Genre: crime drama au
Beta by: my cat Gemma. and
maeda_marikaDisclaimer: I don't own KAT-TUN, any of its members, any other JE people. I write this for fun and for other fans of these fine folks. But don't steal my plots, mmkay? I put a great deal of time into them except for when I'm randomly spastically spitting words onto a page. But I value those too...
Summary: Two criminals with vastly different styles meet by chance one day. They immediately clash but is that all they'll ever be? How much is fate and how much choice? And how will their meeting change the world around them?
Author's Note: Here you go. It wasn't as long as I wanted it to be, but unfortunately I'm out of time so I altered the second phone call and then just summed it up instead of writing the whole thing out, so that I could go ahead and post this tonight instead of tomorrow night. It still works though, because it ends at exactly the right spot.
going_dangerous!! Okay, now I have two banners and they're both amazing (oh, and you should see the wallpaper version of this banner.... so nice!), so I will be rotating them out every few chapters. Thanks to both going_dangerous and deshisoraba for my wonderful two banners.
Warning: This gets graphic often occasionally, containing at the very least foul language, character death, nefarious crimes, rape, etc etc.
The Master Posts:
On my journal -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostOn the akame_ Community -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostOn the akame_fanfics Community -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostOn the je_kamenashi Community -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostOn the kattun_fanfics Community -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostOn the jin_fics Community -
The Things We Can't Control Master Post Chapter 79 ~Two Calls~
Everyone thought he was immature and unobservant. Some people went so far as to think he was just plain stupid. If Jin cared what people thought of him, it might bother him more. As it stood now, it was mostly just Kame and Tatsuya’s opinions that he really cared about… and even Tatsuya thought he was immature.
Let them think it. It didn’t make it true. He wasn’t as dense as everyone believed. Immature… well, maybe Tatsuya was right about him being forever five years old, but that wasn’t the same thing as being unobservant or too stupid to string together a series of clues to find some answer.
Kame had a secret and it was eating away at him. As the problems piled on, more and more of him was just lost to the fear of whatever it was he was hiding. It had to be something serious if Kame hadn’t even told Kizuna. Kame had said Papa K hated him for a long time. It implied some sort of history between them…
Oh, god… was Papa K the man Kame’s father had sold him to, the man who had tortured him? Jin had never heard stories about the man being into that sort of thing but it wouldn’t surprise him in the slightest. The man was a sadist.
That would definitely explain Kame’s fear.
It would also explain why Kame was willing to snatch the people Papa K hurt away from him. He understood what the man was truly capable of and didn’t want anyone to suffer the same thing.
But Jin couldn’t just outright ask Kame that, could he? It would be too painful. Kame already told Jin he didn’t want to talk about that anymore. Then again, considering how Kame was whimpering in his sleep, maybe he needed to talk even though it would be painful.
Jin pulled Kame in closer, Kame’s back securely against Jin’s chest, whispering calming words to him. Without waking, Kame rolled over in his sleep and snuggled even more tightly in Jin’s embrace. It seemed to help. The whimpers stopped and it seemed like Kame’s sleep was much more peaceful.
So Jin finally closed his eyes and gave himself over to his dreams, confusing, unsettling dreams about rabbits and faeries and fire along with the odd sense he’d had those dreams before.
The first thing he knew was warmth. Comfort. Security.
It didn’t last.
Even Jin’s arms securely around him couldn’t drive away the demons of the day. Everything was just as messed up and uncertain as it was last night. The only improvement was that Kame was no longer completely exhausted. He now had at least a little energy to put towards the problem.
But to do that, he’d have to leave the warmth of Jin’s arms and face the demons directly.
At least, that was that was the plan. But when Kame tried to slide out of the sleeping man’s grasp, Jin slowly stirred, whining, “Not yet…” without fully waking up. The grip tightened and Kame found himself unable to slip free.
Well, okay, not unable entirely. Just unable to do so without disturbing Jin’s rest. If he didn’t care so much about him, Kame would just shove Jin away hard. Then again, if he didn’t care so much, he wouldn’t have ended up in this position to begin with.
No helping it. “Jin?” he asked, trying to shake the man awake.
Jin groaned and tried to roll over. The only difficulty was, his arms were still wrapped around Kame. Kame found himself suddenly wrenched on top of Jin…
…and apparently the unexpected resistance preventing him from completely rolling onto his other side was enough to actually wake Jin a little, because he said, “Well, I think I like this dream better.”
Kame could feel Jin’s erection better from his current, ah, vantage point. “I can tell.” He couldn’t help but laugh just a bit.
“Hey, if you woke up with someone so amazingly hot on top of you, you’d react the same way!” Jin sounded very defensive and not just a tiny bit sleepy. “I am awake, right? I had a lot of dreams that started like… wait, I’m talking now, aren’t I? Oh, if I’m awake, I think I’m about to get slapped. Nevermind, I don’t like this dream better after all. Unless it really is a dream…”
And Jin decided that, dream or not, the best solution was to suddenly roll the two of them over so that he was on top. Kame gasped in surprise but not for long as Jin’s lips sought his own rapidly, aggressively. The whole kiss smacked of possession and Kame would have complained except that he was enjoying it entirely too much. He let Jin have his way, let Jin’s tongue expertly invade his mouth, let Jin’s hands find his own and pin them above his head. Soon enough, Jin wasn’t the only one with an erection, a fact that seemed to thrill Jin even more as he swallowed down Kame’s moans, refusing to break the intense kiss.
What was that annoying sound trying to worm its way into his head all of a sudden? Damn it, he was busy! Annoying sounds needed to go away!
But it didn’t go away and as Jin’s lips finally left his own, Kame realized the sound was the phone. He had this irksome feeling that it was in some way significant that the phone was ringing, but Jin felt so good and he wanted him so…
Oh, crap! Massu’s call!
“I need to answer that,” Kame told Jin.
“No, you don’t,” Jin whispered, licking a line up the side of Kame’s neck before nipping gently at his earbud. “Let the machine get it.”
With a half-moan-half-groan, Kame countered, “There is no machine.”
Kame could feel Jin’s breath tickle the now super-sensitive skin as he whispered once more, “There’s always a machine.”
The ringing stopped as suddenly as it had started and Kame found himself suddenly extremely angry. “Let go, Jin.”
Pouting, Jin whined, “Don’t wanna…”
“But… Kaaaaazu….” and Jin sighed dramatically, “You started it…”
“I did not!” Kame shrieked.
“You were on top of me when I woke up. How is that not starting it?” Jin’s voice was growing more and more childish as Kame’s was growing more and more furious.
“I’ll have you know you rolled me over onto you when I tried to wake you up to let me go!”
“I don’t remember that.”
As the phone started to ring again, Kame hissed, “Off. NOW!”
With another dramatic sigh, Jin finally did as he asked.
Kame immediately scrambled to his feet, beelining for the phone with a harsh, “I have responsibilities, Jin! If you want to be with me, you have to respect that!”
“I-” Jin started, but Kame interrupted.
“Shut up!” and he grabbed the receiver. “Massu?”
Relief flooded through him as he heard Massu’s voice saying, “Now, Kame, is that really the proper way to answer the phone?”
“You have no idea what I’ve been going through. Everything’s going wrong now. I was scared for you!”
“We’re okay, Kame. Well, Koyama’s being a big baby about being shot, but Shige managed to sneak down to the petrol station and buy some Advil for him. I don’t think anyone knows where we are.”
At least some things were going right in the middle of all the problems. “What now? You can’t just stay there forever.”
“We talked about that - yes, I’m tell him now - and decided it would be - no, you can’t, I’m talking right now! - be best to return one - damn it, let me tell him!” and Massu sounded exasperated, which was odd all by itself.
“Fine, fine!”
There was a clamor on the other end of the line and then Koyama’s voice, “You have got to get me out of here! They’re driving me nuts! I think I preferred getting shot, honestly!”
A faint “hey” in the background but Koyama ignored it. “Look, I’ve got my hands full with their squabbling over the chairs and the television and the bed. I’m sending them back to you one at a time over the next two days. It’s probably safer that way. I’ll come last.”
“But you’re hurt! You’d… you’d be such an easy target by yourself!” Kame exclaimed.
There was a pause.
Finally, Massu’s voice again, “What did you say to Koyamama? He’s just sitting there in stunned silence.”
“Just that he shouldn’t try to return all by himself. That it’s too dangerous in his state.”
Another pause. “In other words, the problem is bigger than a pair of crooked cops trying to take the three of us out.”
“Yeah. Assassins tried to take out Junno and Tatsuya at Junno’s house last night, too. Apparently Papa K has a grudge against Kizuna.”
“Do you want us to just stay put?”
“If you promise to stop arguing with Shige about everything and give Koyama some peace and quiet, that would probably be best. What’s the phone number?”
Massu told him and he wrote it down on the corner of the desk. It was faster than getting paper from the locked drawer.
“Please, Massu… be careful.”
Kame had barely set the receiver on its cradle when it rang again. Who else would be calling first thing in the morning?
Yasu, as it turned out. Apparently Papa K had arranged to meet with him. Yasu promised to secretely tape it, for a substantial amount of money. Kame had no choice but to accept the deal, though it would eat up a good chunk of the money from the out-of-town robberies.
Not even one hour into his day and already he was exhausted.
Jin no longer looked sleepy or put out. He looked worried. “What do we do now, Kazu-love?”
But Kame didn’t really have any answers.
Maybe the prison information network would know something. He just… he couldn’t just sit there and wait to get that tape from Yasu. He had to do something.
“We’re going to the prison.”
The story continues:
Chapter 80 ~Dealing~ A/N: Jin is sooooo close to figuring out Kame's secret regarding Papa K. He's almsot there... just a little bit more...
Well, at least Jin will get to meet Aoi.