Title: The Things We Can't Control
prettyoriannaPairing: Akame. Others to be added later.
Rating: NC-17.
Genre: crime drama au
Beta by: my cat Gemma. okay, seriously, nobody
Disclaimer: I don't own KAT-TUN, any of its members, any other JE people. I write this for fun and for other fans of these fine folks. But don't steal my
plots, mmkay? I put a great deal of time into them except for when I'm randomly spastically spitting words onto a page. But I value those too...
Summary: Two criminals with vastly different styles meet by chance one day. They immediately clash but is that all they'll ever be? How much is fate and how much choice? And how will their meeting change the world around them?
Author's Note: Okay, I promised fluff and I guess it's sorta fluff, but really, most of this is to set the stage for the fluff. Expect even better fluff in chapter 97.
Warning: This gets graphic often occasionally, containing at the very least foul language, character death, nefarious crimes, rape, etc etc.
The Master Posts:
On my journal -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostOn the akame_ Community -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostOn the akame_fanfics Community -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostOn the je_kamenashi Community -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostOn the kattun_fanfics Community -
The Things We Can't Control Master PostOn the jin_fics Community -
The Things We Can't Control Master Post Chapter 95 ~The Well-Named Plan~
Jin watched Kazuya for the rest of the day. He woke him up for dinner (more soup only this time Tatsuya brought it because Koki was too busy ‘being Kame’ for the rest of Kizuna) and stubbornly insisted Kazuya let him feed him. Koki was not kidding when he said that Kazuya would be a difficult patient. Kazuya was quick to inform him that a.) he was absolutely fine and b.) the fuss was completely unnecessary and c.) he didn’t know what the hell Koki was talking about so everything the man said should be completely disregarded because d.) he was absolutely fine and e.) did he mention that he was absolutely fine?
Jin practically had to sit on him to keep him on his mat.
The whole time Kazuya slept, Jin’s mind was occupied with the knowledge that Papa K was Kazuya’s father. He wanted to ask, to be sure he hadn’t read too much into Kame’s whispered words… but on the other hand, he was pretty sure asking about that right now would violate the decree of the twins and, well, they were just scary and he didn’t want to piss them off. Not only that, but he didn’t want to put Kazuya in the position of have to choose between admitting something he wasn’t ready to admit or lying.
At least now he knew and he could work around it. He could gradually draw out an admission freely given by a man capable of facing the truth of his life without the black weight of that horrible guilt.
When Kame woke the next morning, he got more insistent that there was nothing wrong with him and that Jin was being completely ridiculous.
“So then you’d rather continue like this and not take care of yourself so that next time Papa K attacks this family, you won’t be able to stop him because you’ve fainted? You’re going to leave Kizuna unprotected because you’re too stubborn to admit that you need to take better care of yourself? Tell me, what would you have done if he found this place sometime last night? ” Low blow and it made Jin’s gut knot to manipulate Kazuya like that, but…
Hey, whatever works, right?
And from the way Kazuya was eyeing him now, Jin was pretty sure he’d gotten his point across.
“Sometimes you make me so mad, Jin…” Kazuya finally sighed. “Somehow, you being right just makes it worse.”
“Well, get used to it. I’m always right.”
“No,” Kazuya corrected him, “you’re always handsome. I’m always right.”
“Well, it’s easy to be right when speaking of my awesomeness. It’s partly why I was able to bring such success to the Resistance. It’s my brilliant leadersh-”
Kazuya’s sudden sharp laughter stopped Jin mid-sentence. “Hey, that’s not funny! Stop laughing! HEY!” But actually, Jin was happy to hear him laugh. While Kazuya had been sleeping, Jin had wondered if the smiles and the laughter he’d seen over the past few days were real or not. It was a very real possibility considering the stress and the nightmares and all, that Kazuya’s happiness was just a front. But Jin didn’t think so.
No, if he had to put words to it, Jin would say that every moment of expression Kazuya had was honest even if it was not complete. Real smiles, real tears. Not the whole story but nothing to be dismissed, either.
So… what now, then? He couldn’t stalk Kazuya around every moment to micromanage his life. Jin didn’t need to ask to be pretty sure his boyfriend had enough of that when his father tricked him out. But maybe there was another way he could encourage Kazuya to take better care of himself. If he only knew how important he was…
Jin didn’t mean his importance to the goals of Kizuna, though there was that. He was specifically meaning Kazuya’s importance to him. He had to show Kazuya that he was loved and cherished and that he was even deserving of those thing. He also had to show Kazuya that even if Papa K had his sights on Kizuna, the world didn’t have to stop. Crouching in fear in some hole (it might be a lovely hole but that’s essentially what the church was) put extra stress on the whole lot of them. It might be true that JDA territory was forbidden them but letting Papa K take the rest of the city from them? Not without a fight.
Well, it was Wednesday. Jin gave most of the money from his last burglary to Kazuya for the Kizuna Fund, but he still had a couple of hundred dollars. Pampering Kazuya seemed like the best way to spend it.
That’s when the plan started to come together in Jin’s mind.
If he could just keep Kazuya occupied till, say, Friday…
That should be plenty of time to set this up.
And Jin had a sneaking suspicion he could get certain people to help him. Koki for sure. That brat with the camera (who, in Jin’s eyes, owed him a big favor after stalking them) was also a good possibly, considering his support of… what had he called them? Akame? Well, he’d probably help, too.
Actually, Jin suspected that anyone in Kizuna would help if he asked, because it was for Kazuya.
Under the guise of returning their plates to the kitchen, Jin made his now-standard threat of breaking the lock if Kazuya didn’t stay in bed like a good patient. Kazuya’s parting shot was, “I really hate you right now,” though his tone wasn’t actually hateful so much as frustrated, so Jin didn’t take it personally.
Phase One of Plan Pamper Kazu (okay, the title was a bit of a work in progress) - Babysitting The Target.
It wouldn’t do for The Target (also known as Kazuya) to walk in on Jin and his precious planning. Koki was busy ‘being Kazuya’ still (and apparently doing a great job of it though he complained about being exhausted and wondered how Kazuya always managed to keep up with so much) so Jin went with his second choice, Tegoshi Yuya. He was more than willing to help do his part for the plan. He took off immediately for the office to keep Kazuya in there.
Phase Two of Plan Pamper Kazu (seriously, he was going to find a better name for it soon) - Obtain and Prepare The Photos.
It took almost an hour to track down the brat with the camera, but he was more than happy to help. Together, Jin and Fujigaya went through all of the pictures, finding the best ones. A judicious use of scissors and glue and cardboard cut from cereal boxes (since that’s all they had) turned the pictures into a Collage of Akame Goodness. Well, at least, that’s what Fujigaya called it. But to Jin, it was a visual representation of Kazuya’s light. It showed him with Jin but it also had him with other Kizuna members. The one constant was that in every picture, no matter who it was of, everyone was smiling. They were smiling because that’s just the effect Kazuya had on them and that’s what Jin wanted him to see.
Though he didn’t have to promise to let Fujigaya take pictures when Jin gave it to Kazuya. Such an annoying brat, even if he wasn’t as young as Jin originally thought…
In the meanwhile, Massu found him a place to hide everything related to the plan. It was after lunch by the time he stashed the collage with a short prayer that Kazuya not find it before Friday.
Phase Three of Plan Pamper Kazu (he’d come up with a better name by dinner, honest!) - Research The Locations.
After everything Junno had told him about the first time he dated Tatsuya, Jin knew he’d be the perfect person to ask for suggestions. He was not disappointed, either. Junno was probably the only one who really knew about the restaurants and so forth north of the river. Actually, the decision to choose to go north of the river was not an easy one, but in the end Jin thought it would be best. He would show Kazuya that they could go practically anywhere. That was something he felt Kazuya really needed to see. Papa K had spent his life trying to control every inch of the city but the truth of it was that he couldn’t do it. A lifetime dedicated to it still wasn’t enough. The man was not as all-powerful as some people thought.
He did have power and a lot of it. Jin wasn’t trying to deny that; besides, he was sure Kazuya would know better if he told him that. But the man was only human.
And humans could die…
No, this wasn’t the time to worry about that part. He’d find his chance for that later…
Phase Four of Plan Pamper Kazu (well, the name was sort of growing on him) - Occupy The Target.
Kazuya would like this part of the plan. This was the part where he got to leave the office. He had Koki, Yurina, Shige, Massu, Tegoshi, Fujigaya and his whole Kisumai “gang inside a gang” thing they had kicking around, Tatsuya, Junno, Maru (since he was fairly plastered to Koki’s side since showing up)… even Koyama was pitching in…
All to keep Kazuya out of the office long enough that Jin could make all the phone calls he needed to. Which led to the next phase.
Phase Five of Plan Pamper Kazu (he really was stuck with that name, wasn’t he?) - Call The Businesses.
Jin made reservations for Friday night at what Junno swore was the best restaurant overall that was in Jin’s price range, some place called Fruit of May (at least, that’s what the name translated to, though Jin was taking Junno’s word for that since he didn’t speak even a tiny bit of Italian). Nobody seemed to know what Kazuya’s favorite foods were so it was a bit of a gamble but Junno said that the place had a lot to choose from so it should be okay.
He also called a flower shop and they promised to have what he needed.
The hotel wasn’t as fancy as he’d like but, well, he was on a budget. It was mostly a place to get some privacy so they could have some intimate time together. Jin didn’t only mean sex, either. But even though it wasn’t as nifty as the restaurant, it was still nice, an honest hotel and not some sleazy motel. Shower… room service…
Jin ate dinner with Kazuya while listening to him complain about all the little things going wrong. Nothing major, but it seemed like everyone had something for him to do. Busywork, he called it, and Jin just nodded while secretly sighing in relief that he hadn’t caught on to The Plan.
After dinner, Jin informed Kazuya that since he was still recovering he really needed to take it easy. That he should focus on regaining his strength so Jin would, out of the kindness of his heart, could go a night without sex. That made Kazuya laugh with a softly spoken, “What if I want you? You’d turn me down?”
“Yep!” Jin said with a laugh. “I said I’d look out for you, didn’t I?”
Kazuya rolled his eyes but he didn’t complain, instead just letting Jin take him in his arms and hold him while he fell asleep. Jin then snuck away, slipping carefully out of Kazuya’s arms. He knew everyone was waiting for him in the sanctuary so he could let them know how things were coming in Plan Pamper Kazu. They laughed at the name, which kind of hurt his feelings, but he shrugged it off. Truly, these people didn’t have a proper appreciation of his genius…
The next day, everyone kept Kazuya busy while Jin continued with his plan.
Phase… what number was he on? Well, next step in Plan Pamper Kazu (it really was a clever name, wasn’t it?) - Shopping.
Koki drove Jin to the flower shop. They promised to deliver the vase to the hotel room at the proper time and Jin paid for that as well as the flowers he took with him back to the church.
After that, it was the jewelry shop. The rings he bought were not expensive but he didn’t think Kazuya would judge it by that. If he understood his boyfriend at all, he was sure Kazuya would like the notion of simple matching bands - pinky rings to show their bond - but would not like the thought of having an expensive ring when that same money could go to helping others.
When they got back to the church, it was pretty late in the afternoon. Koki teased Jin that they’d have gotten back sooner if he hadn’t been so obsessed with finding the exact right rings. Kazuya was waiting for him in front of the church. He looked pissed. “What the hell are you doing?” he demanded as he dragged Jin into the church and all the way to the office. Jin could only hope Koki put the flowers somewhere safe for him instead of leaving them in the car where they’d wilt.
“Kazu…” This… this was unexpected. How had he managed to so anger him?
“Don’t you ‘Kazu’ me, Jin!”
“But nothing! Do you think I’m an idiot? That I wouldn’t see what’s going on?”
Jin paled at those words. Ah, so close to finished and Kazuya found out! Life wasn’t fair! Though Jin still didn’t understand why he was angry. “Maybe it’s a stupid idea but… I thought…”
“You thought you’d have Kizuna keep me busy enough to feel useful but not really useful at all? Damn it, Jin, do you really think I’m that fragile that I need to be managed like that? After everything I’ve survived, after everything I’ve done...” and Kazuya’s eyes narrowed, “I’m not weak, Jin.”
“I never said that you were. I never deliberately implied you were, either.” Mentally Jin was cursing the development, though. He never would have guessed Kazuya would react that way to being jerked around for a day or so. Just what did they have him do to keep him occupied?
But Kazuya was not to be easily mollified. “Then why do you have everyone treating me like I am? Don’t get me wrong; it’s nice to spend the time with them but I’m just as capable as ever, even if I did collapse for a teeny bit.”
“That wasn’t the goal, Kazuya. I swear it. I just needed them to keep you busy so you wouldn’t…” but he balked there. Everything was going wrong. His carefully orchestrated scheme was falling apart.
“So I wouldn’t what, Jin?”
“Plan Pamper Kazu.” Jin was sulking now. His beautiful, clever plan with the awesome name was unraveling. Kazuya wasn’t supposed to find out until Friday, tomorrow.
Kazuya stared at him for a moment, seemingly unsure about his next words. But finally he just repeated Jin’s words, “Plan Pamper Kazu?”
“Can’t you just trust me, Kazu-love? Trust that what I’m doing is a good thing and that you’ll like it? Please, just… just let them keep you occupied for a bit longer. Please, Kazu!”
The last bits of Kazuya’s anger faded from his eyes and he said, “I do trust you, Jin. I just felt… it felt like they see me as weak and though I know that’s not true, that’s how they were treating me.”
“Well, then… why don’t you go proactively spend some time with them instead? It doesn’t matter what you do so much as where and when you’re doing it as well as that you are kept away from certain places at certain times.”
Kazuya was eyeing him a bit unsurely but after a few moments of silence between them, Kazuya gave in. “Where do I need to avoid, then?”
“Not telling.”
“But then how will I…?”
“Not telling.”
“Jin, that stubbornness, it’s cute for a little bit but not a whole lot.”
“Cute? CUTE!” Jin roared, though it was a mock-roar because he wasn’t actually upset. “I am NOT CUTE! I’m sexy and awesome and talented and incredibly handsome! Maybe you should go get your eyes checked. That’ll keep you out of the way and you obviously need to because you called me ‘cute’ and that makes it clear to me you need glasses.”
“I’m sorry to tell you this, but you are very cute. Like a big puppy.”
“Am not.”
“But you are…” and Kazuya smiled but it wasn’t a happy smile or an angry grin. It was a challenge, a sign he wouldn’t back down but also that he was teasing, too.
“Am not.”
“You really are.”
“Am not.”
“I don’t have to continue this argument. I’ve already won it.”
“Am not.”
“Am not!”
Kazuya sighed though it was much like Jin’s roar in that it was an adopted gesture and not a genuine expression of emotions. “It’s a good thing I kept leadership of the Resistance because you’re obviously delusional.”
“Kazuya!” Jin shrieked indignantly.
“Have fun with your secret plotting. I’m off to go see if Koki needs any-”
Jin quickly interrupted with, “Not Koki. Someone else.” He didn’t want Kazuya to see the flowers and he didn’t know if Koki had finished putting them away or not. “Go… go play with Koyama. He’s still recovering from being shot so he needs help, right?”
“Yes. Now run along and play; daddy is busy.”
“… daddy?”
“Whatever. You know what I mean.”
Kazuya just started laughing and with the final parting shot of, “Just like a puppy, Jin,” he left the office for Places Unknown which Jin really hoped was not the same place as the flowers. Jin waited a few minutes so that Kazuya couldn’t follow him and then he went to put the rings in the little hidey-space with the photo collage.
Phase… what number was he up to? Next step in Plan Pamper Kazu - pay for the hotel room. Since Jin didn’t have a credit card, the man at the desk when he called yesterday said he’d have to come by a day early to pay for the room or they couldn’t hold it for him.
Koki had put the flowers in the back of the refrigerator, hidden behind the food. He swore they would stay freshest that way. He asked Jin about the rings and Jin told him they were safe but that he needed his help with something else. Koki made a joke about Jin being a worse taskmaster than Kazuya, making him drive all over the place but Jin could tell he didn’t really mind.
But finally, it was all done. Tomorrow morning, everything he put in motion would begin.
The story continues:
Chapter 96 ~Now What to Do~ A/N: Well, I wanted to get all the way through the date itself but it looks like the events of the Date Friday will be in Chapter 97.