The area around the ranch was still very quiet and empty. People were still afraid of what Panchito had been like under the virus, but he didn't mind. He figured they'd come around eventually
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A quiet oof was heard as Coco fell from her portal, landing on her backside in a less than lady like manner as some would say, an erk following that as her small med kit fell from said portal next to her. The bandicoot glared up at the portal before it closed, getting up from the grass, dusting herself. Landing a few feet away from the porch gave Pan a clue she was here.
She easily caught site of Panchito, smiling even if worry was obvious, the whole kicked in the head by a horse still fore front in her mind. "Your neck feeling okay?" She asked moving to walk over to him, kit in hand, though she only knew basics in first aid she was willing to help her friend best way she could.
Panchito smiled from ear to ears (or he would, if he had ears) and waved he ron over. "Feeling right as rain, mi amiga!" He chirped, more than happy to have a visitor. A female one, at that.
He walked down the few steps, approaching her."No need to worry so much." He cocked his head, left and right. "No problems here!"
Coco was relived to hear that, "I'm glad to hear that, I thought it could have been a delayed reaction." She explained simply enough, relaxing a little at that info. Taking in details of the rooster seeing he did look fine to her, no real outer damage.
She smiled warmly at his words, very glad of that. "I'll try not to worry as much about you then." Panchito was her friend after all, after tucking her med kit away in her pocket before surprising the rooster with a quick hug.
Panchito nearly jumped, surprised at the sudden contact. Not that this was a complaint, mind you. He smiled warmly, and put hims around her wth a chuckle."Gracias, senorita Coco. To know someone has cared for me makes this second life very worthwhile."
Comments 19
She easily caught site of Panchito, smiling even if worry was obvious, the whole kicked in the head by a horse still fore front in her mind. "Your neck feeling okay?" She asked moving to walk over to him, kit in hand, though she only knew basics in first aid she was willing to help her friend best way she could.
He walked down the few steps, approaching her."No need to worry so much." He cocked his head, left and right. "No problems here!"
She smiled warmly at his words, very glad of that. "I'll try not to worry as much about you then." Panchito was her friend after all, after tucking her med kit away in her pocket before surprising the rooster with a quick hug.
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