I hate my mom

Apr 22, 2004 21:52

I don't feel like typing it so i'll just copy and paste

an: how are u
prettypear05: really pissed
an: whats wrong?
prettypear05: sorry, everytime you talk to me lately im not in a good mood, lol
man: its ok
prettypear05: ok last saturday
prettypear05: i went out with this guy
prettypear05: found out our parents work together and are friends
man: ok
prettypear05: ok that's cool
man: yeah
prettypear05: well our mom's start talking and put two and two together that I'm the Courtney he was talking about..and my mom realizes I lied about where I was gonna be that night
prettypear05: brb
man: that sucks
man: back yet?
prettypear05: yes i am now
man: :-)
prettypear05: ok so she freaks out
prettypear05: and starts interigating me
man: that sucks
prettypear05: and im like-seriously mom. The reason I lied to you and don't tell you is becasue i don't want you to stress and i don't want you to ask a million questions
prettypear05: I don't like him i probably won't be going out with him again-so why make you worry all night when it was just a one night thing?
man: haha
prettypear05: I don't thinK i should have to introduce her to guys until we're serious. And i deffinatly do not think a first date is serious
prettypear05: so then
prettypear05: her and my step dad call me out into the living room
man: geez
man: the talk?
prettypear05: and he starts saying he thinks i have problems becasue im always in my room
prettypear05: and im like wtf. IM NEVER HOME
prettypear05: and when i am home-yea i do go straight to my room
man: your not, i know
prettypear05: becasue I've been with people bitching at me all day from coaches, to teachers, to supervisors, to customers, to drama with friends
prettypear05: it's my time so just chill out when i'm in my room
man: totally understand
prettypear05: and alot of parents would be happy to have their kid involved in so much stuff and not pot smoking not in gangs
prettypear05: for god sakes I'm taking college classes in highschool
prettypear05: Sorry if i dont feel like comming home and laying all my problems on you
prettypear05: I don't feel like talking about them becaue 1) their none of your business
prettypear05: and 2) you can't solve or help any of them
prettypear05: it's just a waste of time. Id rather do it my way, and just go into my room and sit and think about it
prettypear05: its my way of dealing
prettypear05: and he said that's a good argument and it's understandable
man: good
prettypear05: but then my mom said I've compeltely removed myself from the family
prettypear05: that i hardly eat at the house-she wonders if im eating at all
prettypear05: and im like...nice way to accuse me of stupid shit
prettypear05: like just stick to the problems at hand
prettypear05: and that i'm in "emotional distress" becasue i lie to her
prettypear05: and i was like-i lied once
prettypear05: and it wasnt even a lie. I said I was going to Game works. I said with a friend.

That about sums up my night.

In other news. The half day was well recieved =) Thanks for going to lunch with me Shanda!

And Megan looked incredible in HDC. Erika and I were dancing in the crowd. Hahha =) I even cried at the senior moment. Mike made fun of me...but i guess that's expected by now ;)

That's all for now. OH! I threw 110' in track today! HELL YEA BABY!

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