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carissa is the #953 most common female name.
0.009% of females in the US are named carissa.
Around 11475 US females are named carissa!
ariana is the #1389 most common female name.
0.005% of females in the US are named ariana.
Around 6375 US females are named ariana!
falconi is the #47498 most common last name.
0.0005% of last names in
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Comments 7
lana is the #470 most common female name.
0.029% of females in the US are named lana.
Around 36975 US females are named lana!
faith is the #484 most common female name.
0.028% of females in the US are named faith.
Around 35700 US females are named faith!
shyla is the #3347 most common female name.
0.001% of females in the US are named shyla.
Around 1275 US females are named shyla!
terpe is a very rare last name.
Very few last names in the US are terpe.
Be proud of your unique last name! (mm hmm, yep)
my middle name's pretty rare but not my first although, i really don't think my name was that common back when i was named
cynthia is the #28 most common female name.
0.469% of females in the US are named cynthia.
Around 597975 US females are named cynthia!
renae is the #1033 most common female name.
0.008% of females in the US are named renae.
Around 10200 US females are named renae!
and i just met a girl the other day who said she knows two people named shyla and i've never met or seen that name ever before i found it online in a name search *shrugs*
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