So, there's another facking mouse in my bedroom. I'm as scared as a mofo and I wish those random grey creatures would stop cramping my style and cruising on my turf, if you will. Dammit.
well, if we had been awarded a baby cat on the first day of anthro with that ball game then all my troubles would be wish-washed away, now wouldn't they?!
hey i don't like them, one bit plus i'm not darty and scurry-ish enough to be a mouse and i don't have dirty, ugly grey furr. and i don't squeak! okay, wait, yeah i do..
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and the mouse will sit on msn and lj getting scared that your gonna come and prowl about...
plus i'm not darty and scurry-ish enough to be a mouse
and i don't have dirty, ugly grey furr.
and i don't squeak!
okay, wait, yeah i do..
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