I tried updating last night, but LJ was being stupid. So now, I must post a long entry.
This past week has been quite pleasant. I've gone basically everywhere in Orange County. I love Michelle new boytoy, Travis. He is awesome. He drives of everywhere & buys us alcohol & other illegal stuff. He has a VERY large allowance.
Someone's peen got pinched & that someone's girlfriend is embarrassed.
Michele y Travis.
Life in the Fast Lane.
The Happy Couple.
Michelle is inbetween my legs.
I hate pictures.
Confusing, eh?
We didn't like In-N-Out, so we vandalized.
Roadside again, woot.
I straightened Ivan's hair.
\/Michelle made this for Ivan.\/
How sweet.
Someone is whoring it up.
School is lame.
All I want to do is get drunk & go there. It' feels like I had never left & there was no summer.
Drinking last night in the park was fun.
And drinking at school was fun.
Call me an alcoholic, I don't care.
Today was nominations for Homecoming King & Queen, & yes, I am running again. Ivan is too. I hope we get nominated. Stupid ASB didn't tell us shit about until 2nd period this moring when they gave us a slips to write names down.
There's this one kid I know, & I have a very reliable source that told me that he talks shit on me & my friends. He called me fat & ugly. Now that he knows that I hate him, he's trying to say he was stoned when he said that, uh, ya right. Now I guess, according to Sarah, he nominated me for Homecoming Queen. Awwweeee. How sweet. NOT. Asshole. You think I'll forgive you? You fucking wish. Suck me off, prick.
Bad news though, Homecoming is October 1st. 25 days away.
Schelsy = NO DATE.
And I probably won't have one like I always do. Then I will be called a dyke. How lovely.
I am NOT going with a girl this year, again.
I want to make my dress, actually, have my sister make it. She made my prom dress.
I earned $20 bucks by helping my dad clean up some crap he tore out of a costumer's house. Easiest $20 I have ever made.
Oh, & Sarah's lame twat of a sister Laura is supposively reading my Live Journal now.
She's a lame twat.
And, she needs to D I E .
Your a stupid sophmore.
You can't drive.
You have to be home at 9pm on the weekends.
You have to call mommy & daddy to come pick you up from everywhere.
You have nothing better to do then to pick fights that you C A N N O T win.
Dearest Laura Ketner,
G E T A L I F E .
I am NOT making my journal friends only.