[Voice || Screened to AU!Quatre || Security Level 3: Difficult to Hack]
[devoid of his usual calm assurance; he might, actually, seem a trifle panicked]
Winner, I have a question for you.
How does a man deal with advances from a woman? I mean, when they are acquaintances already, and the woman in particular is ... proper, and not inclined to foolishness, and it is ridiculous that she would even consider such a ... he's not ... you would know. I mean, you deal better with her, so you should know how to deal with such things. The man -- he's never been good at dealing with women, and he doesn't want to upset her, but he is... and she is... and if anyone knew, it would be ...
[the clattering sound of the PDA falling to the floor after being dropped, and Wufei picks it up with a frustrated curse]
If I hear you've mentioned this to anyone I'll ... [threateningly] You won't.
[/Level 3]