Title: 240 Glee Main St. (3/13)
Author: pri_rage
Rating: PG
Pairing: Rachel/Quinn and Santana/Brittany. Mentions Finn/Quinn. Eventually/Possibly Artie/Tina, Kurt/Finn.
Disclaimer: Characters not mine, just borrowing them for a bit.
Spoilers: AU Glee. No spoilers.
Word Count: 1546
POV: Quinn's Mom
[1] [2]
The new neighbors are really nice people. I decided to stop by one day and introduce myself. They were thrilled to meet me and very friendly. I didn't meet the kids, only the parents. We went out for lunch, and I told them about the neighborhood and who lived there.
"I'm happy to meet you, Ms. Fabray. This has been a lovely evening. I'm glad we choose an open-minded place to live. It wasn't easy to live where we did. It was really hard on Rachel." Brett said as we were walking back to our homes.
"I'm glad that you found a good place to stay too. And call me Carol. Rachel is very lucky to have parents like you, and she is going to love it here. The kids in the street are a fun group."
We kept talking and I walked the couple to their house.
"Well, we were wondering if you could tell us of anyplace where our girl could have dance classes, maybe you know someone that offers vocal coaching at home?" Drie asked me when I was about the leave.
"I don't know about dance classes, although I'm pretty sure Brittany could help Rachel with that. Her and Mike are the best dancers of the town."
"We were looking for someone professional, older than Rachel?" the other father commented.
"I would say that both are better then anyone you could find in this town. Brittany is the reason the cheer leading team has won every competition they were in. She coaches an elementary cheer leading team."
"She sounds very talented. Do you think you could get Quinn to talk to Brittany about it? They seemed to be close friends when they were visiting us a few days ago."
"I'm sure Quinn won't mind doing something to help Rachel." I said with a smirk.
For the last few days I've noticed a change in Quinn. She lights up every time Rachel or the new neighbors are mentioned. I have yet to met Rachel, and I would like to very much. I need to know what is going on between the two of them. Quinn has been staying up late talking on the phone with Brittany about 'her'. It took me a while to find out who 'she' was, but I finally heard her mention the girl to Santana.
"About the vocal coach, you are talking to the best one you could find." I add after my last comment.
"Oh, really? I don't think it's a good idea, Rachel is sure enough of herself, she doesn't need a vocal coach that is as well." Brett says with a smirk.
"Well, my services are free and I have a recording studio. Plus, my name surely could help Rachel having her big break."
"Why is that?"
"I would have expected you to be more familiar with musical theater. But then, my mom used her single name when she was on Broadway."
"Fabray, Fabray... the name does sound a little familiar." Drie says. The way that Brett was looking made me realize he was not very familiar with it at all, and that musical theather was Drie speciality.
"Joanna Fabray?" I tried to help him a little bit.
He stops. I see him realize who I was talking about, his eyes and mouth open wide.
"You must be kidding me. Joanna Louis is your mother?"
"Since the day I was born. And nine months before that too." I smirk at him. I notice Brett is still clueless about what we are talking about. I raise one of my eyebrows in his direction, and I notice Brie look at him.
"Oh, right. Honey, Joanna Louis was the blonde on that production of My Fair Lady we watched our senior year of college." He said to his husband and then turned to me. "It was the first Broadway show we watched together. I have the picture we took with her in our living room. Why don't you come in, and I'll show it to you. Do you drink coffee?"
I hear the bell ringing, and I assume it must be her. While talking to Rachel's Parents we decided that Wednesday would be a good day for us to start working together on her voice.
"I got it!" I scream to Quinn, who is in her room with Brittany and Santana.
As I open the door I see a small brunette with a huge smile. I smile at her and introduce myself.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms Fabray, I'm so glad that you agreed to work with me. I am very honored to being coached by Joanna Louis daughter. I have posters in my room from all her plays and my father has given me all Playbills from the musicals, he is also a big fan, and went to see all..."
"Alright, calm down. First, you can call me Carol. Second, stop talking too much. It's going to damage your voice." I cut her, using a playful tone.
She stop and stares at me trying to find something to say, but gives up after the 3rd time. She stares shyly at the ground, and I feel bad.
"I was just joking. Come in. I'll get Quinn to bake something for us."
I see her light up, just like Quinn does every time i mention Rachel.
"Can you tell her to make brownies, she is so good at making brownies, and I already ate all the ones she did on Saturday, and she told me she is only making me some next Saturday, but I want them today."
Well, maybe she got excited about the brownies instead of Quinn. It wouldn't be unusual, Quinn's brownies are amazing. But I hope is not all brownies that got her that happy.
I leave Rachel at the studio, and go knock on Quinn's door.
"Come in" I hear from inside the room.
"Hey girls!" They are all in Quinn's bed giggling about something.
"Who was at the door?" Quinn asks me.
"Rachel" And there it is. The shining eyes, the smile. It's so adorable. Santana starts laughing at Quinn's reaction and Brittany is jumping up and down and clapping.
"Really?" She tried to not sound as excited as she was. "Did she leave?"
"I'm her new vocal coach. I will be working with her every Wednesday with her, and depending on my schedule, we might add another day."
Quinn leaves her bed and goes to her desk, so her back is facing me. I can tell her she is trying to hide her reaction from me, but the way Brittany and Santana are acting tell me everything I need to know about how Quinn feels about Rachel.
"Anyway, I said something that got her a little upset, so I said you would do brownies for her."
"Why did you do that? What has she done to you?" She was mad. It's so cute when she is all defensive like that.
"It was meant to be a joke so she would stop talking so much. I didn't mean it to offend her."
"Alright. I will bring her the brownies when I'm done. But you are not having any."
I laugh at the way Quinn is acting, and look at her friends with a knowing smirk.
"If you weren't dating Finn, I would say you have a crush on her or something" I say as I exit the room. I hear her friends laughing and she saying "I do not have a crush or her" and I something hitting the door. It's going to be so much fun teasing Quinn about this whole thing.
"Very good, Rachel. You still need some work on that last part, but we are done for today. I heard you have plans for the evening." I smile at her. The girl has talent, but need some work at some parts. She is very easy to work with.
"I do. I'm really excited about going out with everybody. I hope they like me. People tell me I can be a little annoying at times. That I talk to much. I believe that just because I feel the necessity to express myself, it does not mean I talk to much."
"I'm sure it doesn't. Let's stop by the kitchen to see if Quinn did the brownies or not. I expected her to interrupt us in the middle of the class to bring them here."
We walk up the stairs to the kitchen. It is a mess with the ingredients everywhere. Santana is covered in eggs and Quinn is white. Brittany is smiling a victorious smile, being the most clean of both of them. They are all laughing, but stop when they see us. Quinn look serious, or as serious someone with flour all over them can look. She grabs a covered plate and gives to Rachel.
"Here's your brownies. Don't let my mom have any."
With that she goes upstairs with Brittany and Santana following her, both trying to keep straight face. I hear the door upstairs close, and laughter following.
"I guess I will go now." Rachel said. She seemed to be sad, although I don't know the girl enough to be sure.
"See you next week"
A/N: Thanks a lot to those who commented and read. I hope you liked this chapter. Next chapter will be the dinner!
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