The more I think about it, the more I think that Star Trek movie was bullshit.
First of all, the whole thing comes down to time travel, which has only ever been done correctly by Back to the Future. I firmly believe this. There are basically no errors in Back to the Future's time travel theory. At least Star Trek points out that it takes place in an alternate reality created by the time travel, setting up the franchise, but time travel in itself is a terrible plot device.
So the bad guys, who I think are Romulans but I don't care to look, are trying to get revenge by blowing up Vulcan. To make Spock hurt, the put him on a planet that's close enough to see Vulcan with the naked eye so he can experience their anguish. 1) This isn't his Vulcan, he isn't losing anyone, so it's no big loss. He's a logical being, he wouldn't care that much. 2) This planet he's on to be forced to watch the destruction? It has a Federation outpost with a working ship, which he knows about. So, at any point, he could have walked there, flown to the Federation, and told them to save Vulcan.
But he doesn't, because the story needs to move forward.
Eventually, the Romulans, who appear to be so alien that they're just bald humans with facial tattoos, decide to blow up Earth by drilling to its center and releasing a bomb. They drill with fire. We get a huge shot of them drilling in San Francisco Bay. Cataclysm must be averted...from the fire drill that's drilling through water? I'm not certain how fire works, but I think it can't go through a couple hundred feet of water. But let's say it can and still have power to drill. As the hole is created, water fills the missing space, meaning there's ever mroe water to drill through. On top of that, when it gets to the molten center of the earth, the water is going to either evaporate on contact and constantly be rushing in or else harden the molten. Causing more drilling.
But let's say that doesn't happen and they drill all the way to the center with no problem. Then they plan to drop a bomb into this hole. So they're going to drop a bomb into the water, where it will float directly down to the core of the Earth to explode? Really?
The writing was so lazy that they couldn't write, "Giant drill drills on land, not water, because that wouldn't make sense."
Also, the whole movie was kind of crap with constant lense flares for no apparent reason. The whole thing hinged on knowing who these characters were. Without that, it's just a sci-fi channel movie of the month.
I don't know the characters, have never watched the show, and was pretty underwhelmed. It was no Mac & Me, that's for sure.