1, Wooo! my shirt arrived this morning! I look fucking fabulous xD
2. My 2 DVD's arrived, im waiting for the slow asses to return with them, imma rape Green Street Hooligans.
3. I wonder whats for supper.
4. I heard something about Ronnie making rice.
5. He has been on a rice trip all month.
7. I slept in a good bit today.
8. What is it with the thousands of "Singers" thinking they sound good with Autotune/Electronic Voice, I mean, I like some of it, but I bet if autotune and that shit wasnt around, half would be booed off the stage for the maxo suckage they radiate.
9. I just seen a pic of an obsessed Bieber fangirl carve his name into her arm O.O 1. you need some serious help 2. or just get it over with if you love cutting yourself that much, cause that is pathetic.
10. Yes, Im a bitch, sue me or fuck off.
11. Ugh, and then the little twat himself pops up on my tv, aye, take that fangirl with you and jump off a cliff.
12. Refraining from being a Grammar Nazi on FaceyB, some people's spelling D: I can see typo's, pass them off, but how some of these people type, total fuckupage.
13. People need to calm there fucking tits on Tumblr "You reblog them, you dont repost pictures" fuck off, no, if I find a picture from someone im not following then I will repost it, I dont give a fuck, you're not in the picture, you dont own the pictures, unless you put somethng that says you do own it, go crawl back into your hole.
14. I love TheCoolTV, it introduces me to alot of new songs or songs I havent heard in a while :D
15. What is with these songs with like 3 words just repeating for the whole Chorus? what? you get fucking lazy and just decided, Fuck it! imma sing those three words over and over again! that'll make people get it into there heads until they smash it into a brick wall!
16. FOAMY!
17. "Gimme that you crack bastard!"
18. "I will set a booby trap that will trap boobies!" "I think thats called a bra"
19. Imma have to write a story and use a Chelsea Grin in one of them >:D
20. I feel people are not amused with me these recent days, meh, whatever.
21. Skype is quiet now.. moods are lingering.
22. Me and Kari are mentally scarred now! D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D:
23. "Rhinestone my eyes closed and please fix my hair"
24. I'm singing along to Beauty Killer by Jeffree Star really suckyish, I can sing good, but when im by myself im a fucking nut :P
25. Weeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! I got my DVD's nao!
26. Hello thar Charlie Hunnam! *dies*